Quiet about your diagnosis or open about it?

I am very quiet about my diagnosis of Schizophrenia. My immediate family know, but as my husband left me after eighteen years together when he found out my diagnosis I figure it is best to keep it quiet. I have lost a good friend also. I keep to myself now and avoid contact with others.

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I always want to tell people, but I always get scared and pussy out. I usually say I have severe anxiety, aspergers and if I have the courage, psychosis.

If I moved to a new place I think I would tell everyone. Because Iā€™m not interested in having someone as a friend if they donā€™t support me through my illness. Also Iā€™m completely used to being called a psycho or psychotic bitch so if people talked about me I really would not care whatsoever.


My family knows about it. And my best friend. But, she has it too. No one else knows. Except my pdoc and my nurse.


It depends. Iā€™m usually up front. Wouldnā€™t be if it was work but stuff like the cricket club and such Iā€™m pretty open about it.

Itā€™s not like I broadcast it but it blows small minds when they ask me what do you do for a living and I tell them I donā€™t do anything because Iā€™m on a disability pension. Sometimes I even get to upgrade peoples information on things. That is rewarding.


Iā€™m trying to learn to except myself for having it still. But Iā€™m slowly becoming more open about it im trying to keep my family more in touch with how it effects me. But itā€™s hard cause my family betrayed me before and every time Iā€™m honest about something it seems to come crashing down on me. They still donā€™t understand fully but I like to think that Iā€™ll make some progress with them little by little.

I once made a facebook post about it; the secret was bothering me and I felt I needed to get it off of my chest, not sure why. I got a positive response and no one deleted me because of it. I donā€™t have a lot of fb friends, mostly just family and good friends on there. I had/have a few coworkers, now former coworkers, from the pharmacy on there, and I kinda wanted them to know. It was my hope that they would finally understand my frequent call-offs and my need to take breaks other than lunch. No one ever said anything to me at work about the post, though at least one coworker gave my post a like.

Other than that, Iā€™ve only told close family and very close friends. Well, Iā€™ve told employers about my sza when it became necessary to do so, like when Iā€™ve had to miss a lot of work, including going into the hospital. My ex-wife is the only person who really knows the details of what I go through when I become full-on psychotic; she saw me through my last psychotic break.

If I tell anyone they would not understand. In my case my sz symptoms are under control. I do however also suffer from anxiety so I will tell people that is my problem. Itā€™s less explaining. Cognitive behavioural therapy helped me to deal with the anxiety but no therapy is 100% effective. But I can live with whatā€™s left of it.


ā€¦ said @Moonwalker in a ā€œhoarseā€ voiceā€¦

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What friends or other? :smile:


I tell if people if/when it becomes relevant or necessary, and Iā€™m glad to answer any questions people might have about it.

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I donā€™t tell anyone. I do admit to my PTSD diagnosis though.

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I donā€™t understand why so many people here are saying theyā€™ll lie about it. Thatā€™s kind of dishonest.

I understand thereā€™s a fear of the stigma, but itā€™s not exactly helping the cause.


I opened up to some family members, my neighbor as she disclosed that she knew a bipolar beforehand. I tried the clergy route which Iā€™ll never do again. I guess I really donā€™t need to otherwise as folks can spend a few minutes with me and know Iā€™m off kilter.

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It is like going to jihadi john and tell him that you are an American Christian.

An honestā€¦ suicide


I donā€™t see it. People Iā€™ve told have been nothing but supportive, and many have been thankful that I chose to be honest and share it with them. Sure, I might have gotten some odd questions, but I answered them as best as I could, and they left it at that.


Thatā€™s what Christian did for centuries.Telling truth.

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It doesnā€™t come up very often but when it does Iā€™m forthright about it. People seem to be surprised when I tell them. I think I give sza a good name.


Only my husband and direct family know. I want to tell my boss and my coworkers, but my husband tells me I shouldnā€™t, because theyā€™ll have preconceived notions and I might be treated badly.


It usually comes up when people ask what I do for a living. I say Iā€™m on disability for sz. I usually get sympathy from people. My aunts friend who Iā€™ve known all of my life was very supportive. I was nervous to tell her because she tends to be close minded. Iā€™ve gotten bad reactions a handful of times and that shows those are the people I donā€™t need in my life. :sunny:ļø

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I told one of my friends in school. He has a rare immune condition so he understands taking medications and so on.

Once he wanted to talk about disability stuff after class and I was too nervous to talk about it on account of the girl I like was in the classroom. She lingered for quite a while, and he almost spilled the beans. Anyone but her could know I have this condition, I just donā€™t want her to treat me differently because of it.

Iā€™m really embarrassed about having sz i realize. I donā€™t disclose it.

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