Can you tell someone you have sz

My friend says no, sometimes I am behaving strangely and no one understands why

I don’t have friends so I wouldn’t know. :frowning:


I want to go therapy for sz. Need to feel, think, and act better

I have told maybe 10 people that I am suffering from Psychosis and its looking like SZ (Not yet fully diagnosed) and every single one of them has been absolutely supportive in every way possible. I only regret telling my mother but thats not because she doesnt accept it and is supportive she just wont stop pestering the shite out of me trying to be helpful and caring and that drives me up the wall to be honest.


I don’t have very many people to tell. My partner told her step mom and her dad right away they asked if I was dangerous. My mother in law has told her family like her son, daughter in law, mother, sister, brothers. You name it she has told that relative. Then she also told her grandchildren. But her grandchildren whose ages range from 11 to 21 are okay with it and understanding well two of them aren’t but they have their own problems.

I belive that parents of sz pstients have higher IQ than other people. I really respect them. They might seem like you cant understand them but i have started to think they are smart.

I am careful who I tell about my psychotic episode and consequent symptoms. Some people I tell if I feel it’s useful for them to know. If there is no reason to tell then I don’t tell.


I told my dog once. He yawned, licked himself, and gave me a thumbs up.


It has been suggested to me that I do not disclose my schizophrenia to certain people depending on their relationship to me. People are categorized as immediate family, extended family, friends, classmates, co-workers, health professionals etc.


I don’t think it is wise to tell normies, most of them wouldn’t understand and use it to avoid and harm us.


I usually just soften it to depression. You tell people your mind plays tricks on you they usually sop it up to something else.

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I don’t care about sz stigma but my family won’t allow me to tell anyone about it
I have a delusion that if I tell too many people about my diagnosis I would hear the words Psycho, insane, crazy and … more

Sometimes I’m up front more than most. Sometimes I’m cagey and deflective. Other times it’s a closed shop!

It all depends on the person and what is your relationship!


I used to live in a senior community and I told no one there about my sza for three years that I lived there. Now that I am in a regular apartment, I will tell no one here either. Why should I? It’s really no ones business but my own.

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