Your family will know,but what about your friends or other?would you let others know about your SZ diagnosis?
If someone asked, I just say I have anxiety
A few people at work know, but generally I don’t like to be too open about it. I work in education and fear losing my job if someone who is afraid of sz finds out and makes an issue out of it.
I haven’t told everyone in my family. They don’t all need to know. And I haven’t told anyone in my husband’s family since we’re not close and I don’t think they’d understand. So, I would say I’m guarded about telling people.
I do post articles about sz on FB sometimes and I think it’s funny that no one ever asks why I post them. They hardly get looked at…
What diagnosis? I’m healthy as a horse
I don’t tell people, but if they must know, I tell them I have bipolar disorder.
The SZ stigma is way too intense.
I’m not ashamed of my SZA bipolar Dx. I openly told my class in college because it was relevant to my project.
Any stigma from it?
I haven’t experienced any stigma thus far.
In fact, I sometimes receive special treatment; my anatomy professor gave me extra credit work and a test by myself to help me pass (I was failing the class at the time). She took time out of her busy schdule to help me; I ended up passing because of her.
I don’t think its anyone’s business.
My immediate family knows,
My baby’s daddies know,
And that’s about it.
Everyone that needs to knows, everyone else can just think I’m a weirdo.
My immediate family doesn’t even know. My wife and dr know
I wouldn’t have told my parents,
But my sister has schizophrenia too and it was difficult to support her without letting the cat out of the bag, so to say.
Also, I’ve had symptoms since childhood, so I’m sure they knew something was a little off.
My family and my girlfriend’s family knows. That’s it.
I’m not afraid to tell people, but unless they have a need to know I don’t.
I’ve told no one outside of family. My family told mostly relevant people. I’m fine with people knowing, but I don’t think it’s helpful. For example, One guy asked me why I was waiting at a mental health clinic, after avoiding the question three times I finally just told him I have sz, and let’s just say that shut down the conversation fast.
I will add, I wish certain family members didn’t know, and I don’t like how people don’t ask before sharing.
I definitely don’t advertise it. My family and friends know.
my doc said that I shouldn’t say my diagnosis. I should say that I take some pills for depression.
it depends. if someone is understanding I would say it. I am afraid of the stigma. I live in a close society.
I regret telling people on Facebook. I added this one PTA mom at my children’s school and I think she told everyone. Women are treating me strangely now. I am really paranoid about it.
I’m open about my sz to the right people who understand, but to those who don’t know me well I don’t say anything unless they will be understanding
Some people I tell it some I don’t depends if I like a person or not… I told many people, as I told my friend about it I found that my others friend brother has sza and now we are good friends
I think is ok to tell to a person if that person is a good guy… if they ask what symptoms I have I said hallucinations and delusions and paranoia I don’t get into my expiriences… just littlbit if I want to talk but they dont understand…even my sister tells that it is hard to imagine
Just my parents, docs, and close friends. I don’t say I have psychotic symptoms directly, I just dance around the topic, but they can connect the dots. For teachers, we just tell them I have trouble in school and anxiety
Only my cat knows.