I do not know why but I have told two people in the past week that I have sz. The one guy is an old friend of mine who is very ill with a heart and lung condition. I told him about my illness and that I fight it everyday…day by day. I told him to never give up fighting.
The other person whom I have told is an old school lady friend of mine. I have not seen or heard from her in almost 30 years… I got hold of her through facebook. She said she sent me a message on facebook about a year ago but I cannot recall that. She also called me her best friend and she said that not a year has gone by that she did not think about me. I never imagined that I have made such an impact in her life so many years ago. She is now happily married with three kids and stay in Australia. She talked about her mental health and that she has been hospitalised a few times because of PTSD. I then tlod her about my sz in an e-mail. It was late on that side of the world and she has gone to bed so I’ll probably know by tomorrow if I have scared her away with my diagnosis.
I do not tell people about my illness except for close family…however I feel liberated in a sense to have disclosed my diagnoses with someone.
I do not talk about MI to anybody on social media. It is taboo for me because of fear of stigma.
Anyway I just thought I’d share. I was wondering…How did people react when you told them you have sz?
Well, I basically tell everyone I meet for more than one day, sometimes even people I don’t know at all but am talking with, I figure if I can help end stigma I will. And the reactions have been mostly positive.
I tell just about everybody that I’m Schizophrenic and why I failed in Academic carrier and why I live with my parents and why I’m 36 and single, it’s all Paranoid type Schizophrenia and nothing more or lesser…
Thanks for your positive input @Minnii . I have been diagnosed in January 2010 and it is only know that I start to feel I need to get this build up “secret” out of my character. It truly is liberating😀
I tell everybody. My great grandma knew when I told her and then my outside family knew about it. I even announced it on facebook in my profile. That way it won’t be no ■■■■ between me and somebody if I act weird or get into an argument with them.
i may have to tell my employer about my mental illness if i ever get a job, my jobs specialist told me that we would discuss it at the time and ticked the box to confirm, i told him that i dont want any mention of the ‘s’ word at all i said its ok to say mental illness but nothing else, he wrote down that stigma could be a disadvantage for me on a form.
I think word has kinda gotten around where I am from. One of the things that people do is that they ignore you. Of course that may just be my winning personality. Some people have acted like it is nothing. One guy in particular called me dangerous and made fun of me for it. That’s life.
I have never told anyone I have sz because I don’t believe anyone can understand what it’s like to experience every day unless you have it. It’s like describing the immensity of the universe without a picture to identify where earth is in the midst of it.
I don’t think I would bring it up if it doesn’t effect your job performance. It’s not a disability if no one would know if you didn’t tell them. Your up against competition to get a job and it’s not exactly a positive. I’ve been with the same company 20 years just now feeling confident to share but not as sure if it’s going to be a good move or not. Good luck in the job hunt, they really do help with recovery.
Also if you do mention it , I had a big problem with the word SZ also, my doc told me I could use the words " Thought disorder" as it is considered one.
Everybody…family, friends and co-workers know I’m Sz. And nobody cares. My social skills and sense of humour usually win the day. People just like me the way I am. And I accept most people just the way they are as well.