I’m really liking this new sax plugin. Sounds more real and not So tammed. This is also a new direction in the style of my music…a lot of experimentation!!!
Like it. It sounds like a real sax when it first comes in. I like the piano accompaniment as well.
Thanks man!! And yea I love the sax …need to learn how to use it more so it sounds authentic
very chilled mate, mellow, love it
do you make the drums/beat first and then jazz it up from there?
I always have troubles with drums…
Anyway loved it as usual. Really chill sounds!
Thanks man!
I start with the harmony and then do the drums and play sax over it .
Sounds good! Tbh it still doesn’t sound like a real sax… I think what you’re looking for is the real deal… @signless
Bro… you already know lol …I can’t wait
This sounds smooth as hell man I love it! Im surprised you start with the piano chords I wouldve guessed you do the drums first then play to that, it matches very well. I like that sax as well and it sounds very natural but there are a couple places where it does sound a bit choppy because of the attack at the beginning, but man the arrangement is so on point with this loving those 9th chords
Im working on my own song and this inspired me to get better at using the drum vst. One of these days Ill get a pad kit and learn to play beyond sinple beats like bum tss khh tss bum tss khh tss lol
Thanks bro … appreciate that . I definitely hav to work on the song because some parts do sound super off and choppy. I think I’m gonna just play around with the vst until I get a good feel for it !!
And yea idk why I start with the harmony…I’ve always done it that way but I hear everyone saying you should start with the drums …
Anyways…I think the drums on your songs sound great bro… You stuff is always super well done lol …I really need some mixing lessons from you and poet . Also…tag me when you drop your next song
Sounds pro, but like the music they put you on hold when you are in a long queue so you dont lose your s hit
Lol thanks bro I love making elevator music
Loved it! Very nice sound. I love jazz.
Thanks man!! I’m a jazz lover too
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