Some new music

These are two of the first songs ive tried to complete for my backgeound music project. I thought i would make them into study music/lofi type songs but its ended up morphing into jazz.

Its this a good sound or should i maybe go back to the drawing bored as far aa style of the music for background listening?

I feel like my other music sounds better and it still time to adjust. I have 25 lofi ideas and im not sure all of them turning out like this is a good thing :thinking:

@labratmat @POET @dreamer54 @zwolfgang


Chilled and laid back, groovy and eaay on the ear!

What is there not to like?

Great stuff!

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Thanks bro… :folded_hands:t6:

Enough Christmas :christmas_tree:

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Cool dude thanks for the tag I’ll try to check it out in a bit!

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Hey man..this is the updated link for the first song. I had to change the tempo it was too slow. The other link wont work i do t think

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I like both songs :+1:


Thanks bro!!! Appreciate that :grinning_face:

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Sounds good man! Every beat is better, so keep on doing it!


Thank ya bro!!! Im trying to get it together … :blush:

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duuuuude this is a banger!! is that a vst sax or a real one? great work bro.. dman this could be in a study music video for sure… wow

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Thanks bro!! The sax is still vst but i was worring it didnt realy fit the style of music well enough. Anyways i have like 23 more ideas for study music.

When u gave me that suggestion i actually came up with 25 simple hooks and plan to turn them into study music. I liked them but didnt feel like they were my best work but if you like them thats whats up bro!!!

Alao… thats flut was really on point man! Haven’t heard you use that kind of instrument in your music before but it works lol please tag me when you finish

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thanks dude will do! yea i got some new music tools it was a preset in a pack i got. its like an edm style flute

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hey dude i hoep you dont mind if i post my music here too… maybe it can be the producer thread cause i cant find the other one lol

heres an update. the arrangement is all done… ill probbaly tweak it over the next few days but its essentially done.

idk the chords in the beginning sound a bit harsh… theres a layer i need to go back and EQ but oh well its fine for now. getting late here time to take a break

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Sounding wonderful man!!! What do you use for mastering? I can never get my songs that loud and clear… i have to be doing something wrong lol

Anyways..keep up the great work bro..i might use this song on workout day if i remembered!!!

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Lmao well on my case I just slam it and clip it :sweat_smile::rofl:
I pay attention to what I hear not really the meters becauae in my genre distortion is ok. Sometimes I push it too hard tho.

I never use a limiter … Only compressiom and clipper.

I’m probably not the guy to be taking mastering classes from tho lmao

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Lol right on :sweat_smile: it sounds good tho…

I use izotope ozone and it uses ai to get it close but the limiter always distorts when loud. Im gonna do some research :face_with_monocle:

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True dude yea I have ozone too but I never use it. I hate it so much. Makes my stuff sound like it’s behind a wall

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Yea.. you can never go with the algorithms settings exactly… i love it tho because i dont know anything about mastering. It usually gets me pretty close then i tweak everything and it sounds decent.

Im gonna try to use just a compressor and see what it sounds like!! Ive heard somethings about glue compression thats supposed to be good for mastering.

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Just Finished The bridge to this chill song im working on. Im wondering if the Transition from the bridge to the Chorus works? The audio starts with the bridge and goes into the chorus

This is the full song. Its kinda slow and clunky but I’m still trying to find my style/sound for study chill music so hopefully it will improve.

@POET @labratmat @dreamer54 @zwolfgang @everhopeful @TheCanuk


@signless - Love the chill vibe of Hatch WIP. Keep sharing your songs on here :+1:

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