Jazz Song. After long break from music

I just got back into music after about a month and a half break. I finished the last song I was Working on and this is it. Comments and thoughts?

@POET @labratmat @dreamer54 @zwolfgang @broken @SkinnyMe


I like it a lot. Well done!

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Thanks !!! Appreciate you listening and glad you liked it :smiling_face:

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Great stuff! yuo are very talented you should know.

Love how you incorporated all this in a midi too.

You get authentic sounds from your midi that is for sure!

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Thanks bro… I got a saxophone but I have to learn how to play it now lol

One day I’m gonna stop using Soo mush midi in my song :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I think I forgot what real instruments sound like


Ayyyy let’s go! Sounds very classy and upbeat man. Great work :clap:

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Thanks man :grin: appreciate you listening to it !!!

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Np man! Love the keys. Is that midi or did you play it live?

Everything is played on the keyboard. I think I’m gonna spend more time practicing instruments this year. I finally got a sax :saxophone: so maybe by next year I can be recording live sax!!

Also… have you been doing any music lately?


cool dude !

yep i released a song the other day… ill tag you in the post one sec

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Sounds good bro! How is learning the sax going?

Haven’t started yet. Supposed to get going next Monday. I’ve learned a few things just messing around with finger charts

I can play a few chords and I’m learning to control the tone. Also I can make it sound three different ways when blowing by changing position of my mouth on the mouth piece. I can’t imagine what I’m gonna learn when I start my classes tho bro… pretty excited

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Notes not chords :joy: I’m use to the piano/guitar so with all those fingers I just think chord lol

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@signless, I am a composer and producer myself.

I listened to the first two tracks as it is very late.

First, I want to tell you that I am Very impressed. I enjoyed your music very much. But there were a couple of problems from a production standpoint.

With the first track, there was some occasional high pitched scratching and/or screeching sounds that really got in the way of the enjoyment of the music. And the second track ended very, very abruptly, right at the moment when I was just beginning to get into it. Can these things be fixed?

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Thanks for listening skinny!!! I’m glad u like the parts you could listen to. Also thank for the heads up about the tracks not playing properly. I will test to see if it happens to me :pray:t5:

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Awesome so good to hear more diverse music. I am listening to Pandora smooth jazz right now and this song fits in perfectly. I play my drums to this style music and it is very rewarding to play. It takes a special touch that I love trying to develope.


Thanks bro :pray:t6: you should post some of your drums !!!


Soul food :fire: listening to the rest of the jams now

thanks for sharing!

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Glad you like it bro :blush: :pray:t5:

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