I just got back into music after about a month and a half break. I finished the last song I was Working on and this is it. Comments and thoughts?
I like it a lot. Well done!
Thanks !!! Appreciate you listening and glad you liked it
Great stuff! yuo are very talented you should know.
Love how you incorporated all this in a midi too.
You get authentic sounds from your midi that is for sure!
Thanks bro… I got a saxophone but I have to learn how to play it now lol
One day I’m gonna stop using Soo mush midi in my song I think I forgot what real instruments sound like
Ayyyy let’s go! Sounds very classy and upbeat man. Great work
Thanks man appreciate you listening to it !!!
Np man! Love the keys. Is that midi or did you play it live?
Everything is played on the keyboard. I think I’m gonna spend more time practicing instruments this year. I finally got a sax so maybe by next year I can be recording live sax!!
Also… have you been doing any music lately?
cool dude !
yep i released a song the other day… ill tag you in the post one sec
Sounds good bro! How is learning the sax going?
Haven’t started yet. Supposed to get going next Monday. I’ve learned a few things just messing around with finger charts
I can play a few chords and I’m learning to control the tone. Also I can make it sound three different ways when blowing by changing position of my mouth on the mouth piece. I can’t imagine what I’m gonna learn when I start my classes tho bro… pretty excited
Notes not chords I’m use to the piano/guitar so with all those fingers I just think chord lol
@signless, I am a composer and producer myself.
I listened to the first two tracks as it is very late.
First, I want to tell you that I am Very impressed. I enjoyed your music very much. But there were a couple of problems from a production standpoint.
With the first track, there was some occasional high pitched scratching and/or screeching sounds that really got in the way of the enjoyment of the music. And the second track ended very, very abruptly, right at the moment when I was just beginning to get into it. Can these things be fixed?
Thanks for listening skinny!!! I’m glad u like the parts you could listen to. Also thank for the heads up about the tracks not playing properly. I will test to see if it happens to me
Awesome so good to hear more diverse music. I am listening to Pandora smooth jazz right now and this song fits in perfectly. I play my drums to this style music and it is very rewarding to play. It takes a special touch that I love trying to develope.
Thanks bro you should post some of your drums !!!
Soul food listening to the rest of the jams now
thanks for sharing!
Glad you like it bro