I thought to get/create a a recipebook here when there is nothing to none to eat and it got to be cheap. Like potatoes, rice,pasta,beans etc.,maybe mince,sausages and longlasting veges. Like on a student budget.
Shoot I would but such a recipe book if you created one haha!
I’m typically eating on a budget.
Maybe when we raise awareness we can buy one for $3.50 at the newsagent in 6 or 12 months. Hopefully our local government will do it as they control the foodprices.
I do balls to the wall basics. Rice. I cup. Protein. Chicken/beef/pork. One portion usually about 100g, veges…cheap frozen three veges. Corn, carrot, peas. Still tastes ok to me and I’m doing it tonight with some steak I’ll cut into strips.
Great idea, cooking rice with beefstock.
Potatoes mashed with milk,fat,salt/pepper and add maybe a can tuna.
I got a cheap rice cooker for under $15 Australian. Works well when you figure it out. Wash your rice first and all good.
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