Any ideas for cheap meals. Only have £25 for weeks shop

Budgeted myself to £25 for food shopping this week.

Shopping list
4 pints milk. £1.10
Bread £1.00
Butter £2.00
Weatabix £1.50
Banarnas £1.00
Oranges £2.00
Pizza £.3.00
Bottled water x 3 - £1.00
New potatoes x 2 £2.00
Cheap coke x 2 £0.80
Onion £0.50p
Mushrooms £2.00
Cheese £2.00
Sauagses £2.00

I already have Mince meat, chicken thighs, chicken Kievs, small meat pies In freezer as well as food cupboard stuff.


chicken curry with rice - (this makes 2 meals)
Meat pie with oven chips, peas
Chicken Kievs and new potatoes and cabbage
spaghetti bolognese, rice, sprinkle of cheese (this makes 2 meals)

Any other ideas for cheap meals?


make up freezer bag meals this way you only eat what you have. also you can cook one day and heat once a day. best of luck on 25 cents

There’s always good ole 15 bean soup.

My sister lived off that stuff for years when she was living and working in LA,

Trying to lose some weight and save some money.

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I make a lot of chili and meatloaf. You can make those dishes for pennies. Only the beef is the ingredient that will set you back a few big ones.

Black beans, rice and sautéed broccoli


Pasta with fresh basil on it and a little oil.

@bobbilly You’re doing well with your list so far. Certainly much better than I would do. There are certain things that make it difficult to cut my food bill down. In no particular order-1)Poor organising and planning. Creating a menu plan for the week would be hard for me 2) Mediocre at best cooking skills. One pot/frying pan meals requiring little preparation & as few instructions/steps as possible are my level of culinary skill. 3) Not very keen on beans &pulses. Frozen soya mince is OK, but the dry soya mince, which is cheaper, is not very nice.

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Ramen noodles are cheap

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Isn’t that a little low? I spend minimum 400$ in food every month

I was going to say beans and rice, too!

You eat elaborately compared to me. I usually just have some bread or a sandwich, since I’m alone.

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Skip to the 440 mark

frozen fruits and frozen vegetables are usually cheaper than canned and fresh fruits. one of my favorite meals is a can of kidney beans drained with tobasco sauce. its high in protein and thus fills you up more

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I shop at Aldi, and I can easily feed myself for a week on £25

£25 in Aldi is like having £40 in Tesco!

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