I must google it, I might watch it online
The new Joker film.
The ending is …
Don’t do that. watch any version of Manchurian Candidate.
My pick is beautiful mind…
Donnie Darko is pretty good.
I love Jacob’s Ladder
I think the best movie about schizophrenia is A Beautiful Mind but I relate to Conspiracy Theory more personally. I was as paranoid as Mel Gibson was in that movie and my illness felt like a conspiracy. It took me years to figure out I actually was sick.
I hear people talk about the Truman Show syndrome and I thought everyone I was around in the beginning were actors so I think I had that too but I never saw the movie. Might be worth checking out one day.
I hear One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest is about schizophrenia. It’s a top-rated movie too. Will watch when I’m well.
Try the mule …you would love it, has a lot of lesson about values and ideals
I loved Jacobs Ladder but I don’t think it was about schizophrenia.
It might have been about PTSD.
Great movie regardless.
The soloist, for example.
Cronenberg’s little seen “Spider”.
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