I really like Words on the Bathroom Walls. What is your favorite movie about Sz?
Fear of rain is my personal favorite but it can be very triggering
I loved Shutter Island
and never finished A Beautiful Mind.
I have never heard of that movie…… I will have to look into it.
@Jake it’s really good
Thank you……@Twialine15151515
Thank you @anon49368487……. I have never heard of that movie…… I will have to look into it.
I don’t have any fave movies about SZ nor do I seek them out. I find living with my own annoying enough, I don’t want to live with someone else’s SZ as “entertainment”.
I tried to watch A Beautiful Mind years ago. I got to the part after the love interest asks the construction workers not to make noise for a while, because it was too hot in the classroom, and they wanted to keep the window open. After that, it got very triggering.
I liked ‘shine’ about the sz pianist.
probably The Matrix, or 12 Monkeys. I only say the Matrix, because like The Truman Show the theme is very sz.
I like ‘Shine’ too its probably my favourite movie about sz/sza great performance in the leading role by Geoffrey Rush.
I will have to look into that movie.
Fight club is my favorite
Schizophrenia movies set me off, very triggering. I like “A beautiful mind”
I have a favourite movie about depression. The movie A Man Called Otto was very well done.
I like silver linings playbook. Bradley Cooper has bipolar, but mental health and illness is a big part of the movie. Also a caveman’s valentine with Samuel Jackson. It’s a more realistic portrayal with odd delusions and hallucinations. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it though.
I always feel my favourite film Inland Empire depicts psychosis best, while I do not think it really depicts psychosis.
“It’s kind of a funny story”. It’s a comedy, mostly light hearted about a teen that gets admitted to a adult ward because the youth ward is under renovation. Recommend.
I liked this movie, “Elizabeth”. It had a really twist ending. It was about sz.