any good ones
any good ones
Schizophrenics are so sensitive to criticism because it sticks in their craw.
Schizophrenia is supposed to give us a double dose of personality more than normies.
It ain’t leprosy.
There is nothing positive about sz, only negative quotes.
Schizophrenia removes your fear of death, I am waiting eagerly for my death.
What exactly is the whisper app?
good question, idk, it was just a quote when I went on images for sz quotes
Sounds good, thanks
i am positive with sz and i spread it
they used to say if you could work off the sz and permanently there isn’t a thing in the world you cannot do.
" I’m not dead yet, now give me YOUR drug!"
It positively sucks.
You spread schizophrenia? Don’t you think that’s a little mean?
lol that makes sense
positive symptoms and all
I’m either feeling better because of a recent anti-psychotic meds change or because my Metformin was doubled up.
Here’s a quote:
I don’t want it but I got it
Make da most with wat ya got
-from your neighbourhood butterfly