Anything positive about SZ?

The only positive thing about SZ is that it made me asexual. I have no sexual feelings towards another living being. I feel like those priests who are not allowed to have sex like the pope.

It made me more patient and accepting towards death. I don’t fear death anymore. I don’t think about death anymore.

Yeah. It positively sucks.

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SZ is the poor man’s Enlightenment.


Well there’s Tonnes of negative things, tonnes and tonnes, but positive?

Maybe better stress management skills, they are essential so maybe they improve.

My schizophrenia makes me high . So I guess it’s a free high. That’s about the only thing I like about it. Antipsychotics stop the high, but major side effects.

Yea probably because without meds SZs have naturally high dopamine. Its like if you were naturally on drugs for life.

It has softened my heart, allowed me to gain faith, and be a better person. Depends on one’s philosophy though. I think I would take the chance on not having schizophrenia over this.

Sz cured my ocd.

It humbles me…151515

What does the “151515” mean? I’ve been seeing it frequently around here, but there are no context clues telling me what it means.

Your post has to be a minimum of 15 characters. So sometimes people just type “151515” to make up the limit on short posts.

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If I didn’t have schizophrenia I would have sleep walked into marriage and kids. This is despite never wanting either. I would have ended up being very unhappy indeed.


I think my life would’ve turned out much better if I never got schizophrenia. It didn’t do anything but hold me back.

For me SZ removed my fear of death.
I don’t care about death anymore because I have nothing to loose if I die, no family, no money, no house etc

Healthy ppl fear death.

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