Planning to print few shirt!

Do you have any suggestions?

Quotes ? For the shirt ?

Regarding schizophrenia.

I think I will get one saying :

In front:

“Is group sanity or individual insanity is insane”

In back:

"Schizophrenic :warning: "

I wanted humor in it but cannot come up with one

How about support a local schizophrenic lol I’m joking I’m :smiley: joking


I don’t know, I wouldn’t advertise that you’re schizophrenic like that. You could be inviting trouble :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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front- Club sz, back- Don’t talk about club sz

I’m a schizo and i’m ok, I sz all night & i Sz all day.

i’m with this guy (arrow) He’s soooo schizo :rofl:

never mind the schizo, mind the bollocks

front- I’m with stupid. back- Oops i meant schizo (for friends of sz people.

don’t look at me funny or I’ll sz your ass

Schizo for a day. Bring your own axe

sz happy, normal need not apply

schizophrenia is only a frame of mind

schizophrenia, its all in my head

I just made these up, they are just a bit of fun, not serious, do you like?


It reminded me of this

Ok any other way to spread awareness?

Write an anonymous blog maybe?

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How about this ?

Front :
Can you see my friend
Next to me talking ?

He is real


Yes they are really good one :ok_hand:

I have nothing to say though.

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no shame, no blame

beat stigma, no seriously kick its ass

I am a person, not a diagnosis


In the Front :

At the Back :

I will get this done

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