Poll: Which Antipsychotic are you on?

Which Antipsychotic are you on? - I take Risperdal

  • Risperdal
  • Seroquel
  • Zyprexa
  • Abilify
  • Latuda
  • Fanapt
  • Saphris
  • Geodon
  • Invega
  • Clozapine
  • Haldol
  • Navane
  • perphenazine
  • Other
  • I am not on an Antipsychotic

I am on Risperdal and Haloperidol (Haldol), but I will probably cut off Haloperidol although it helped me, because there is a fear of tardive dyskinesia!

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I’m on Geodon…

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I’m on a Seroquel / Latuda combo.

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I was on abilify, then couldn’t tolerate it, so came off meds about a month ago. The novelty of being off meds has worn off. I’m terrified of having a relapse and already feel like I’m slipping a bit. I fear the worst.

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Chlorpromazine for me!

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Abilify and Seroquel

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Im on invega. 6 mg


Risperdal consta 25 mgs. I have mixed views about it. It doesn’t help low drive and motivation.

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zyprexa since 2000 ,15 years and for rest of my life

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I’m on 30mg’s of Abilify. Hopefully I can go down to 20 or 25mg in the near future.

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Maybe adding some Abilify could give you the drive and motivation you are looking for, and help lower your prolactin levels at the same time?

Seroquel and depixol depot

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I take Loxitane.

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That might have been a good idea but my prolactin levels dropped on the last blood test- so no abilify.

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I take latuda and haldol.

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I take prolixin generic (fluphenazine)

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been on risperidone and amisulpride, took aripiprazole (abilify) once. all with citalopram.
all i can say is that they helped, but i suffered with terrible side effects

i see nine votes on risperdal and wonder what side effects you guys get…if any

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I am on Trifluperazine (called Flupazine in my country)

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Risperdal seems to be the most popular so far, despite the harsh side effects.
I think its because its so effective on positive symptoms