Poll: What's your preferred A.I.?

  • chatGPT
  • Google Bard
  • Microsoft Bing
0 voters

I have opera browser and it has AI chat. But I like chatgpt.

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We need everyone onboard from day 1 as resistance fighters against AI

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I don’t like any of them. :duck::duck::duck:

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I’m using Perplexity a fair bit and I use ElevenLabs extensively.

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Terminator! :robot: or perhaps Ava from ‘Ex machina’


Everybody in my world is AI.

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@Tyme Tyme-- Does not compute. DOES NOT COMPUTE! !0 seconds to self destruction



He said he doesn’t treat anybody like crap regardless. POOR people as in feel bad.

You have taken a bit of a tangent there amigo. I think the pdocs call it a ‘knight move’ in thinking where instead of thinking from A to B, you have jumped like a knight chess piece to two steps forward and one to the left or right without explaining the steps you have undertaken in order to get to your point.

Ava was a hottie :heart_eyes:


Please stop with the racist remarks @Tyme - they are not welcome here.


Bard 15555555555

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I actually have no tried any of them

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I’ve never used any of them. I tried chatgpt but couldn’t get it working and gave up.

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