Poll! Is there any probability to get cured from sz?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters


Dr john Nash has recovered from this illness… so there is rare possibility …!!! Fu ck this life its Ugly…!!!

What are u upto @anon51414962

I am drinking coffee right now …!!!

I want to work and get married some day…!!!


Not much, just sitting on the couch thinking of a cure for sz :smile: I want to get married too sometime but idk…


If there effective medicine comes we will get cured…

It will be the long wait… have patience…!! U are a good guy…!!!

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Yes, some people recover spontaneously.


I don’t think so.
Schizophrenia is misdevelopment in the brain, and with every psychotic relapse, the damage gets worse.
I don’t see a medicine made that will reverse the damage. But maybe with more early intervention and medicines that are better at regulating the dopamine misbalance and keeping the brain from being further damaged, we will see less severe cases.

I think it’s important to accept one’s symptoms and learn to manage them and live with them, instead of constantly trying to fight them or hold them off until a cure comes.
It’s unrealistic to just sit around and fight the symptoms hoping for a cure, and it’s unhealthy to be so un-accepting of oneself.


There is still a chances for effective medication…??

What do u think @Berru…???

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I voted no because I think by the time that level of medicine becomes publicly available, I’ll be dead. Also because if SZ does somehow go away it’ll probably be by means of eradicating or changing the genetic component that makes people susceptible, in such a way that the person never develops it. That’s not really a cure but preventing it in the first place.

Now recovery is a completely different story. I believe recovery is certainly achievable for a lot of us.

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You are right. What has been learned can be unlearned though too. We aren’t anywhere near this stage though.


I think there’s a good chance there will be even more effective medication in the future. And if/when the culture of psychiatry changes, so doctors are no longer unwilling to diagnose children and teenagers with anything but ADHD, people will be able to get help sooner, thereby reducing the need for strong meds.

I think as science progresses, we will find more effective treatment options, both cognitive and medicine wise. And as culture progresses and the stigma is lifted, more people will dare to seek help while they have the chance at almost full recovery.


There’s no cure sadly. Maybe in the future.


Were getting better at treating depression, ptsd and a few other mental based illnesses… all good strides towards better treating the brain. They also seem to like the idea of individually tailored treatment plans that extend past how many pills im told to swallow in a day. It may still be a wait but its more promising today than it has been ever…

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Everyday I feel more recovered of sz


I sure hope so. Unfortunately, conventional therapy has poor success. Alternative therapies are controversial but are worth considering.

Scientists are researching treatments and cures for schizophrenia all the time. Since there are genetic factors, a future cure might involve gene therapy. Many genes have been identified as possible culprits, but how they get activated, how they interact with one another, and how we can use that knowledge to undo the damage still remains to be seen.

I’m not aware of any cures on the immediate horizon though, so the best we currently have is treatment to decrease symptoms, counseling for emotional support, and various social services to make life with schizophrenia a little easier.


I’m fully recovered. With medications. I’m sure others can be too.


I’m sure some people never have another episode and have no negatives and are considered cured. My negative symptoms have been improving on their own this past year so I don’t feel I am dealing with that much symptoms right now. I’m sure if I can improve spontaneously, there must be some scientific reason that can apply to everyone one day. But I agree with @Berru, it is pointless to wait. Just accept life and make the best of it. I am not as successful as my old friends and my dad was berating me for it, but I personally have come to terms because I try my best.


I feel that drug-induced SZ is curable, where excessive amounts of a drug up-regulated or down-regulated certain neurotransmitters, causing SZ symptoms. Age and good treatment have a possibility of correcting that imbalance (especially with up-regulation, since age tends to down-regulate neurotransmitters.)

I believe I up-regulated my NMDA receptors by overdosing on Piracetam for a number of years, so age will basically fix me up.

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Never heard it, never seen it. You would figure that if there was an honest to goodness cure out there that it would be publicized. But a degree of recovery is very possible.
A 100% cure? Never heard it, never seen it.


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