Poll: how is your balance?

Have been reading that balance and posture is often impaired in people with psychosis. My balance has never been good. It took me till I was nearly 14 to be able to ride a bike. I was also terrible at balancing for things like PE. When out walking I tend to veer from side to side as though I have had a drink or two too many. This is more noticeable if I am more anxious and paranoid.
The last time they tried weighing me the reading wouldn’t stay steady as I was really swaying on the scales. In the end they just had to pick a rough weight within a couple or so of lbs.
I was wondering whether this was something others had experienced or whether they had good balance( and posture).

  • very good
  • good
  • average
  • poor
  • very poor

I got a balance problem last week because a football hit my head,now I don’t have this problem anymore

on land… I have pretty poor balance. For some reason on water, I do much better.

I don’t know why that is.

Now that I am off Klonopin my balance has improved greatly

I voted poor, because two years ago, when I was on abilify,I constantly stumbled and couldnt even stand upright. I now do much better, not least with my cognitive abilities. I use mybraintrainer.com to measure my progress off abilify, and my reaction time has improved from 290 ms to 230 ms. I guess abilify did no good for my brain. Before that my balance was quite good as I did judo, where balance is essential.

I used to do 2,000 repititions a day on the jump rope. That gave me very good balance. Since they put me on psychotropic med’s my balance has gone down a little. I’m not flexible though. I did a lot of stretching, but I just couldn’t loosen up.