What is your physical balance like?

Continuing the discussion from Dyspraxia is more than just "clumsy child syndrome":

I thought I would ask this re @Rhubot reply to the dyspraxia thread. I would say mine is poor. I always remember that doing PE at school I had great difficulty with the balance beam

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Emotional, so-so.
Physical, good.


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Pretty good. I dunno if I could call it excellent but it’s pretty good. When everyone else wobbles in yoga I can stay fairly still. I also used to love climbing the steep, sometimes icy rock formations in one of my childhood homes, which required pretty solid balance.

I’ve always considered myself as clumsy but I suppose I’m not really.

I can’t stand still on steps. I have poor balance.

I always feel uneasy standing on a chair to put in a new light bulb.


I wouldn’t say mine was really good, but I have a pretty amazing ability to not fall on my ass on ice even when I’m slipping around. So it’s got to be at least decent. Though not as good as it used to be when I was younger.

I dread the icy pavements. I find it very hard to keep my balance. I have some grips for my shoes but unfortunately they only fit an old pair of shoes that are the worse for wear .


my physical balance is bad. every time I do lunges, I need to hold my lap with both hands to try to balance myself. it’s either that or I wobble and my hands touch the floor like training wheels on a bicycle.

I see no benefit for improving my balance now; but when I become older, it’s definitely going to be a problem. they say that older people suffer a lot from falls, which kind of made me paranoid about my health in a good way.

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