Poll: Have you become more selfish since the outbreak?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I think I have. I’ve gone into self preservation mode.


I have become selfish in that I really want to protect my family here in the village, but selfish for myself, no

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No, i became more caring. I make sure i don’t get the virus. I keep social distance in case i got it. Everyone could be a potential carrier of the virus. I live in the limbo everday. It seems unreal till you get it. But when i observe the cemetery i know i am not the first or last dying of something tragic.

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I’d say less selfish or less self conscious. It sort of has helped break me out of my self thinking funk as I feel more concerned about others now, since everybody seems to have issues now.

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I think it’s not in my best self-interest to answer this.


Now suppose everyone felt that way? Well then I’d be a damned fool if I thought any different.

Seriously. Voted yes. Dad is high risk so have to think more about what I’m doing and a lot of that isn’t about what others need.


Yeah, especially because there’s no one to really hang out with besides my parents and they never need my help. I seriously need a passion fruit bubble tea and new earphones so I can keep hanging out on the bus and buy puppaccinos for my pups. My Bright album which has a bunch of rap songs on it just arrived! :slight_smile: roughly 6.5 more months till my next trip to China!!! Yeah it’s hard. Social distancing is hard. I am so ready to go out and see friends again.

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I talk to family more in fear of loseing them, and I keep a lot of people out of my house, in fear of were they have been.

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I’m kinda in between. I’m looking out for friends and family with a sharp eye. But if my neighbor knocked on my door and was bleeding and hurting I would help him.

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I guess if selfish includes you and your direct family, then yes, I’m thinking of people outside that bracket a lot less than those inside of it.

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