Do you care about others?

or just yourself and your suffer


I’ve become quite selfish because nobody helped me when I really needed it.

The complete lack of help I received changed me from being caring to being very uncaring. It had a dramatic effect on me.


I’m not rude, but I don’t see anyone very often so mostly just worry about myself now

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I’m pretty self-centered, but would like to become a more loving person.


i care about others like my mom and a family members. some people in my family i dont trust tho when i see all the manipulating and sneaky stuff

Yes and no , sometimes I feel I’m self centred

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Some, yes, but not all.

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I care very much for others.


I care for others too.

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For my family yes. Friends come and go though… but I care about the people on this site because we all face similar challenges.


I care and do love my friends and housemates. They are true to themselves and honest people.


I do care about people


You mean the people who ■■■■■■ me over in life both figuratively and literally then I shout a resounding no.

But family, people who treat people the way they want to be treated, and you kind folks then a howling yes.


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I care about people who are suffering. I donate money to different causes. Once they’re well they’re on their own.

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I don’t care about others, my father and my mother but care about me. I mostly alone but not lonely. I can not help others, they get by them self.

Not really. But my religion demands that I look after those less fortunate than me. So, I give to my Church and to various worthy charities. And I give to them all monthly for like forever.

I do care about others but I am often self absorbed I blame my problems for this

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Me too. I donate to different charities, but I am acutely self conscious.

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Yes I care about people in need but sometimes stupidity can’t be helped.

Of course I care about others. I think only a sociopath doesn’t.


“A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.”