Hi, If you’ve tried the supplement L-Theanine, please respond to our poll here on whether it has helped you. And provide comments down below on how long you took it and what effect it had on you, if any.
Please only respond if you’ve tried it.
Yes it has helped
No, it has not helped me
Not sure
You can learn more about L-Theanine here:
And - by the way - if you’ve tried Sarcosine - please be sure to respond to the Sarcosine Poll - click on where it says “Poll: Sarcosine”
I’ve been taking it for ages, longer than 6 months. I voted for it helped me. I take it every day. When I first took it it, I felt it had the effect of clonaezpam, but it also seemed to sort out some disorganised thinking. I take 200mg once a day.
Lately, I’ve been taking actual clonaezpam, so don’t feel as dramatic a benefit as when I first started taking it. Or maybe I’m building up some kind of tolerance to it.
i feel im benefitting from it yes. im waking up early with motivation. i have been sleeping late for twenty years and always exausted… i now believe my exaustion was anxiety stress. damn, the zen dudes knew green tea was a good deal
Always easy to test - just stop using for a few days, then see what happens for two days. Then go back on it - and see if there is a noticeable difference.
well id like to keep taking it for at least a full month but ill keep that in mind. ive only been taking it almost 2 weeks now. i just upped to 400 mg tonight
Theanine is very effective for my schizotypal anxiety - the sort where it’s extremely uncomfortable to look someone in the eyes - because of its gabaergic effects, and I am not sure which of its pharmacology contributes to reducing my positive “pseudohallucinations” but it does work.
Wow, pregnenolone together with theanine? I’m definitely going to try this, I will report back. Usually pregnenolone is not efficient for people with nmda dysfunction, for whatever reason I can’t fathom.
Now I remember why I stopped taking pregnenolone - it activates or increases activity of the 5HT2A receptor and leads to fatigue and irritability. Christ, now my whole day is ruined. Needless to say approx. 100mg of theanine and 10mg pregnenolone did not work.