Poll: Do you still enjoy movies?

  • Used to, not anymore
  • Never did
  • Yes

0 voters


Its so, so… Per moments, its quite impossible for me to watch movies… I force myself in order to ‘‘move’’ my brain when I am a bit better :slight_smile: .

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I don’t like them as much but I still like them.


The last movie I saw was so bad I walked out on it…and I was on an Airplane!

(rim shot) :slight_smile:


I am obsessed with collecting movies and artwork and statues from film.

More recently I have not been watching them as much.

I need my psychologist to help me ASAP to get back into the things I miss, but I don’t know if she can work any miracles

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I didn’t watch any movies for eight years after my son died. It was hard for me because my son and I used to watch movies together. He was a real movie buff. But, this last year, I have been getting back into watching movies. Mostly old movies though. Like 1950’s and before. Classic, timeless movies.


I used to bing watch series and movies when I was teenager, hence how I improved my English. At university I watched with my flatmates some movies and series. When I got Sz I have difficult time catching phrases or some nuances in a movie. Also I smoke and like to lay in bed from time to time for no reason so investing like 2 hours continuously watching something started to look more like a chore then an enjoyment. Now I resided to watch youtube gameplay videos that lasts up to 20 mins, it’s perfect cause it is not much talking here and if it is it is easy to understand and I can finish my meal by the time video ends.


I never have been much for movies. I have always had a hard time concentrating for that long. When I was younger I enjoyed watching tv shows a bit more that I do now. Now tv is just so so. I can’t really get into it that much. I don’t really identify with the characters, they seem fake. lol, which they are, so… I do like that show House, but I’ve seen them all already my sister let me watch the whole series when I first got here.


I voted yes but lots of time I’m hesitant to initiate the action.
Once I start watching a good movie I’m fine.


Yes but not as much as I used to.

Quite a few reasons really.

First of all I got really into critique. I watch loads of in depth video reviews where they talk about things they didn’t like and why. And eventually it has taught me to look at things more critically. This is great to help understand why a movie feels unsatisfying or why a movie feels so well put together. But the knock on effect is that I criticise everything way more.

Another reason is that sometimes I am internally commenting on stuff and cant shut my brain off. I find this really irritating when it happens.

Another reason is I watch less films. I feel like there are less interesting films being made these days. Id rather watch something that has good reviews from people I trust than try something at random and waste my time.

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I tried to watch a movie last week. turned it off after 10 minutes.


Going to the theater is a treat for me. I also like to watch animated movies at home with my siblings.

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I can watch a movie, but I have a hard time following most TV shows, even ones that I like. I like Superstore, for example, but I just can’t quite follow it each week. On the other hand, I’m all over Rick & Morty. I don’t enjoy TV like I used to, but I love the movies. My daughter and I go out to them regularly as bonding time.

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we have netflix and watch movies all the time…Joker is next and I am excited!!

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Only sometimes a movie holds my attention - only on good days but most the time my thoughts catch up to me and I’m distracted …

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We watched as a family the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot last weekend. If it’s just me watching a movie I’m also looking at my phone, but if one kid or more is watching, I watch the movie fully. Like Kiefer and I watched Joker on the 7th and Eli on Netflix in December I think. Eli was good, but not good for those with religious stuff like delusions or tightly help beliefs.

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I’d say ‘sometimes’ it depends what it is and the feeling has to be right :slight_smile:


i rarely watch tv and i don’t go out to cinema. decided to watch joker dvd few weeks back. triggered me for 3 days

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I just can’t see them in a theater, much too real and overwhelming.
But with DVDs and now streaming, I can stop and get back to reality for a minute and repeat,
Its only a movie, its only a movie…

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Ok thanks for reminding me not to watch THAT one.

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