Movies were everything to me growing up. I swear I must have watched temple of doom 50 times.
But now I cant focus on movies at all. Two minutes tops. I live alone have no friends in my village. Makes for long winter nights with no entertainment
Movies were everything to me growing up. I swear I must have watched temple of doom 50 times.
But now I cant focus on movies at all. Two minutes tops. I live alone have no friends in my village. Makes for long winter nights with no entertainment
Oh sorry man. I have to juggle two things at once, like a light game on my PC while a movie runs, and I switch my attention back and forth. Have you tried that?
Yeah, I have the same issue @anon94176359 . Movies, TV and video games are usually a no go for me now.
I sometimes have success in watching them if I break them into segments. Like watch it for 15 or 20 mins then take a break.
Its’ weird for me. I can watch reruns of my favourite shows and movies form before I developed schizophrenia. But when it comes to watching new things I struggle most of the time.
That’s what I do on the rare occasion I watch a movie.
That’s a good point, how are you at rewatching old movies @anon94176359 ?
i have experienced that sometimes it sucks. ive been watching movies lately with family but i usually go to my room halfway through and go to sleep because we watch them while eating dinner and around that time the olanzapine has made me tired and my dog lets me know he is sleepy too
Netflix has some good shows; the last Czar, Versailles.
Whenever I watch new movies I get annoyed with them quick if the plot is lame or if there’s any other filmmaking faults.
Doesn’t it just drive you crazy??? People hate watching movies with me!!
Haha! Yeah, film school temporarily ruined movies for me. It’s very weird to watch a movie and know how it was made shot by shot.
I can’t watch TV or movies either @anon94176359.
But I do okay just sitting around when I’m not busy. Just breathing and enjoying the relative quiet.
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