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- No
0 voters
One’s own support team is not the same as it used to be friends get old people die relatives could care less internet friends get tired of you so puzzles me why you questioned this in a pole most people would say yes even if it was a Bruno there dog
I’ve got a friend and my sister I can lean on. But I try to keep it to a minimum. My sister in particular can get tired of my s***
@everhopeful, I am so sorry you don’t have anyone to rely on and talk seriously to. That must be so hard on you. I have 2 people I can talk to and I can’t imagine life without them. I need them. I’m pretty sure without them I’ll need to be in a group home
Thanks @LilyoftheValley . It looks like I’m the only one in the poll who voted no, so far.
Yeah. I’m glad so many have people to talk to. Is there any way you could try building new relationships so you do have someone you can talk to?
Sometimes I talk to my sister and my aunt. Everyone in the family talks to my aunt. She’s like the go to girl if you have a problem.
I should say, I have people to talk to about everyday problems. I have no one but you guys to talk to about my schizophrenia
I’m sorry @everhopeful. What about a therapist?
I’ve never really had a therapist. It’s something to consider though. Do you have one? Do you find them helpful?
Yeah, it helps me.
In the beginning I didn’t even think it was all that helpful, but I kept going because I desperately needed, at the very least, another human to talk to regularly about what was going on with me, my thoughts, feelings, etc.
Aside from all the other work that we do, it makes me feel less hidden and isolated.
Thanks @anon1517417 .
I don’t talk about my problems to my family because mostly they say something like “because of you I can’t ______”
I’m so sorry your family is so emotionally abusive to you @anon10648258 . Is there any way you can get away from them like to an assisted living facility or to a nursing home?
I sort of have 2 friends.
Then there is my sibling
I select what I share and usually ask for it to be private
Oh but I just talk with them via technology not meet up in real life
though from time to time i meet one of them but i really need to stop that at some point because i feel anxiety building up
I don’t have my mom or ex husband anymore and they were my mentors my whole life from age 17 to 56. Now I have nobody. I have my VA treatment team but they don’t tell me what to do. They try to help me make my own decisions.
I found a really empathetic therapist.
She’s basically the only one.
I can’t count on my family really.
I have therapist a long time and she has supported me and met me for coffee and walk the dog.
Only this forum. Sorry in advance if I overshare sometimes
Keeping things bottled up is never healthy!