My brother is having a huge sz episode. The doctor has him on SOOOO many meds, and hes taking them FAITHFULLY, and hes still going crazy!!! He just wants to get better. He could be veryyyy dangerous as well. To the point me and my mom are scared in our room. He had broke down a few days ago, about buying a game, cops were called, he was breaking down worse then i seen in a while, screaming at the top of his lungs. Then he didn’t sleep for like 3-4 days which is usually the first sign of a breakdown. We called the cops a few times, AND THEY WOULDNT FREAKING HELP US!(becuz he was dangerous, about to swing on my poor mother.) PLEASE HELP!!! WHAT DO I DO???
Call an ambulance he needs to be in a hospital
I’m sorry to hear that your brother is in crisis.
Everyone on this forum has schizophrenia or a closely-related psychotic disorder.
We do have a Family and Caregiver forum for people like yourself.
Please click on link:
sorry about your bro, he needs help though, try and support him best you can and comfort your mother, hope this helps x
I’d like to encourage you to join our forum for Family and Caregivers that can be found at:
While this is a peer support forum for people with schizophrenia and other closely related psychotic disorders, the Family forum is specifically for people like yourself, who have a loved one they are concerned about.
Also, please let your loved one know about this forum as they may find it helpful.
Best of luck,
Volunteer Moderator