Personality disorders

I have been looking up personality disorders,

My diagnosis was changed in 2018 to mixed personality disorder anxious, dependent type but it doesnt make sense, it looks like i am more histrionic but i have other characteristics, My p/doc at the time said he was trying to get to the root of it with me, idk if that is possible but i still have sz, it was very apparent when i was hospitalise in Oct 2020 when my dr and i were trying to reduce my dose of med.

I’m guess most people with sxz have elements of a personality disorder, i would argue that its not a disorder though, its just me and its just the way i am.


I’ve been diagnosed with borderline and avoidant PD in my early 20s until I was diagnosed with autism and sza. Maybe I have them all , I just work on myself. Always striving to be a better person

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