My now ex husband was OCD and ocpd both. I’m quite familiar with those conditions. Do you have a personality disorder?
Diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder, which I very much dispute based on the criteria and descriptions used.
I think if the diagnosis/descriptions took on board more that people can be avoidant/fearful paranoiacs ,rather than aggressive/confrontational ones, I would be less inclined to dispute it.
It seems not many are dxed with a personality disorder, or are wary of admitting that they are. I do know that some within the patient community frown upon those with such a diagnosis.
I kinda get the impression that some people get diagnosed with a personality disorder when they don’t respond to medication. It’s regrettable but I have seen this a few times.
My therapist once diagnosed me avoidant but I think that was some boooooish
I had an old pdoc that kept going back and forth if I had borderline or sz. For years doctor’s agreed it was sz, then he waltzes in and is all nope, it’s borderline and you don’t need these meds. A few hospital stays and a new pdoc later im back to an sz Dx.
I used to think I was a narcissist. Some guy was like “do you know the difference between axis 1 and axis 2”. I say no. He’s like “axis 1 is schizoaffective for example, while axis 2 is narcissistic personality disorder, for example”. I thought he was implying I was a narcissist. Remember I was in the depths of psychosis at this point. Then later I saw him at an Aa meeting and he shared about how much of a narcissist he was. I realized at that point it had nothing to do with me and it was all about him. But I had like 5-6 years I was obsessed with “not being a narcissist” and tried to supress my ego all I could. Oh the pain of that. But I think it was worth it.
I think one of my sisters has a pd. She is the most selfishly deluded person I can think of.
This was one of the reasons I think they switched me right over to a PD. I’d said the medication was only helping partially. What I hadn’t told them, and what they hadn’t asked, was that I was taking the medication irregularly. I had virtually stopped taking the mood stabiliser after a nurse had told me I only had dependent personality disorder, and was only taking the AP 40-50% of the time.
my therapist diagnosed me with Paranoid personality disorder but i dont think i have that… i think i’m more likely dependent or avoidant.
Yeah, that sounds like something a narcissist would do I never knew how the axis stuff worked. Do you understand it?
I think he explained it as axis 1 requires medication+therapy. While axis 2 is primarily treated with therapy. While axis 3 is primarily treated with medication
Axis 1=sz
Axis 2=npd
Axis 3=hypothyroidism
For examples.
I think there may be axis 4 too though. Not sure about that.
Interesting. Thanks.
I wondered if I had BPD for a long time - I met the criteria. But situatons changed and the symptoms went away and my current therapist says that I never did, that the symptoms going away means that I was responding to an external situation that now has passed (this is true).
She says that I have some dependent and avoidant traits, but not to the extent of being a personality disorder.
One doctor who didn’t like me said I had borderline personality disorder. He was a neurologist though, and not qualified to make that diagnosis in any way. My psychiatrist had a good laugh over it.
I was put out of the army due to borderline personality disorder because I was too afraid of the schizo stigma to admit to the voices.
I got tagged with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I don’t agree with it…I see myself as a chronic social avoider. Avoidant PD would be more correct if it just meant I avoid people, and not feel some kind of anxiety. The folks I have the hardest time with are what I like to call the “border-polars.” That whole unpredictable up and down, intense emotion, dramatics, and “shrill” way of communicating thing they do make them the hardest psych disorder for me to tolerate. I like stability, and stability and borderline/bipolar folks do not go in the same sentence.
What is borderline personality disorder?
I’ve tried looking it up but I can’t understand what I am reading. What is it in layman’s terms?
Thanks alien! It certainly does. My sister is very much like this. I hope you don’t think I am like this.
There are some circles that believe it’s fast switching bipolar.
The main theme from my friends that have it is the perception of rejection, usually by family.