Who here is on perphenazine? I may asked before. Do feel ok.
Pherpenazine was the first meds I went on back in 1994 and those are one of the better ones I’ve tried. The only two drawbacks I had on those was major weight gain and heat sensitivity.
I was on perphenazine for several months. No side effects, but it didn’t do much for my symptoms
Probably the best med I e taken. I’ve been through a lot meds wise. It’s an oldie but goodie.
I’m on perphenazine, I take 24mg a day, works really well with little to no side effects.
I used to take perphenizine it didn’t do much however haldol is a lifesaver for me
I loved perphenazine, but it increased my prolactin too much and I had to switch off it. It’s always going to be my first choice for emergencies, though.
I wanted to try this, but it was only available as depot shot in my country. It’s been phased out. Don’t know why.
That’s strange. It was probably old drug to them just phased it out. Countries are odd about meds.
It’s good. Been taking it for over 6 months along with geodon. Few sideeffects and almost complete elimination of hallucinations visual/sound.