Im fairly new to the medication game. I always felt like to I was too smart and too capable of fixing this “problem” of mine on my own. I switched to water only (coffee in the morning) fresh vegetables and fruits for lunch and something healthy with low preservatives for dinner, healthy snacks in between. exercise everyday. Once I came to the conclusion Im still not getting better I finally caved and went back to meds. so far the doc started me on such a low dose of perphenazine it was surely due to my lack of knowledge on allergies to a new kind of medication I’ve never experimented with before. Since then he’s doubled my dose to a measely 2mg twice a day. I feel absolutely nothing has changed its been over a week, I had a depressive meltdown yesterday and after lack of sleep I feel im on the verge of another psychotic break today, my triggers are hair triggers right now. This is the only stuff I take at the moment. Soon I might hear back from the doc to bump it up to 4mg twice a day. it’s been over a week now. Is anyone else out there in a similar predicament? just perphenazine? does it work?
I’m not a doctor, but these things take time to build up in your system, it’s not like taking an aspirin for a headache. Maybe that’s what’s happening, but I don’t know, only your doctor can help you on this one I suspect.
Triafon (perphenazine) works great for me, but it is not spectacular. Haldol is spectacular. Take a florridly psychotic individual in the ER and give him a shot of Haldol, and he’ll be talking rationally in a few. Trilafon, on the other hand, takes weeks to get to the desired effect.
If you want to know about Trilafon, use the search engine, I advise.
the search engines just tell me about the chemical properties potential side effects blah blah blah I was looking for personal experiences with it. I figured this’d be the place to ask.
Yeah, there’s a search engine on this site.
I did well on perphenazine. It had predictable side effects at the dosages you are talking about. It didn’t do anything for negative symptoms though, and it made me feel more obviously medicated than the atypicals I’ve taken. I’m on Abilify now, and I’d say it’s night and day, but I did enjoy the ‘edge’ that perphenazine gave me. For me it was a good starter drug.
what did you move on to?
Risperdal (not good at all for me wouldn’t recommend)
Then Olanzapine/Zyprexa (not bad, but the weight gain wasn’t great)
Now Abilify (my favorite, but was expensive, I’m hoping the recently approved generics will help this)