Anyone try Trilafon(perphenazine)

Pdoc put me on a new AP. Does anyone have any experience with it?

Maybe @Simonw .

Yes I took perphenazine for three to four years. I liked it. Really no side effects. Might be a few that go away with time.

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Good to know, I was hoping to be on something that I could take for a while.

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I had to take cogentin with it though. Other than that give it a try.

I have not, but I wanted to wish you a smooth transition from your haldol.

I take it. It affects my memory but increases my stability. I developed Parkinsonian syndrome - Not Parkinson’s disease It’s not progressive… Gave me gait problems. I take Cogentin for. that. Sometimes I ask myself if it’s worth it. As long as my memory loss isn’t progressive the mental improvement is worth it.

It was one of the first I tried. It didn’t work like all of the meds for the first 20 years, but it had no bad side effects. I didn’t have any weight gain at all.

my ex wife takes it…I take generic prolixin…fluphenazine…I love it…

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Thats a typical ap. Very strong…made me suicidal cause i felt my brain turned into a black hole.

i took it as needed for a couple of months as an add on for anxiety. it was ok, seemed to help with no SE.

I was on Perphenazine 10 years ago, it gave me akathesia, otherwise it is ok.

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It was the first drug I ever took. I loved the sleep but not side effects. You should probably try a newer antipsychotic

I was on Trilafon for years back in the 90’s. It did me no good whatsoever. That’s before the atypical’s came out.

Same for me, back in '94.