Percentage of disability

How much disabled you are? Here in Greece schizophrenia is about 67%-80% disability

Hmmmm… Probably 45%.

All ailments and diseases have a percentage of disability here. According to that, one disabled person takes money

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I think it’s a little different in the States… Not too sure what my percentage would be according to the professionals.

Just a self-assessment.


I’m considered 100%. Not including physical disabilities. But totality of MI 100%

I’m 100% according to the government, but I earned too much, by 1000$, to qualify for any payments. So my therapist allows me to work a low stress job for few hours.

I’m 100% disabled.
I’m not able to work.

I really don’t know. I know I can’t work. I wish I could

I’m not disabled and over half of my income goes to taxes.

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lol that sucks. The money part.

Idk Sz doesn’t make you as disabled as complete paralysis. Complete paralysis is 100% disability for me. We szics can still eat and go to the bathroom on our own!

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We’re lucky compared to complete paralysis.

I don’t know really. The government I think says 100% but I got a 3 year review instead of a 5 or 7 year which means there could be a potential for improvement or recovery which is lingo for “get him off benefits.” I guess a disgruntled worker or cut back in benefits. I could easily challenge it or sue because I got a permanent disability. It really depends on the doctor. My mom said I improved a lot on Vraylar which didn’t really help me in my favor. I did a lot and posted a lot of stuff that was true in my mind at the time which is conspiracy stuff that I remember happened to me in this life and the past lives.

Personally, I consider myself probably 80-90% disabled honestly. I could volunteer but I often think the government tries everything they can to ruin my life. Like gang-stalkers and targeted individual type crap. I feel this has happened a few times like when I worked at the library as a volunteer. It was a perfect job for me that was ruined by either my paranoia or a few “homeless” creeps.

I also screwed my own life up by talking about ■■■■ online that could ruin my chances at real employment. Like I’ll never get a license to be an engineer or doctor or therapist and crap even if I wanted to. Probably black-balled or black-listed from computer companies. I don’t know but I suspect this; it could be paranoia and pessimism lol.

I could probably work at good will or some ■■■■ but I would be worse off, probably get fired over 100 times over and stuff. I got schizoaffective disorder and unless they come out with a cure or a motivation pill, I don’t see how I could recover enough to feed myself and put a roof over my head. Early on, I was worse like if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to work, I couldn’t do it. Now, I probably could work something basic.

I feel bad for my mom. She works minimum wage part time (like 25-30 hours a week) and after taxes, she makes only like 40-60 bucks more than me.

I am a 100% disabled veteran. Permanently and totally disabled. And I currently work full time.


To be honest, I don’t really class myself as disabled.

I have enough brain left in me to think, enough coffee and cigarettes to keep me awake from the meds and just about enough motivation to do what my psychologist wanted me to do with having more healthy routines.

It’s a disabling condition I have, but I have had a lot of support and treatment that allows me to work.

Ups and downs for sure, but I wouldn’t be able to do nothing with myself, as I would kill myself if I had nothing to do


im like you.i not gona label my self disable just cause im not like everyone else.i still bit of happy and positive energy to do the things i enjoy,even though it might just be little things like smoking,drinking coffee.its better than killing my self.

2 Likes old pdoc one time said " you are %80 disabled " though.i m weird more than disabled.some of my abilities over standard some of them lower standard.but all of my challenges mostly in my mind.

Sorry.its heartbreaking statement.i hope you will be ok in the future.

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ah what can i started in my it end up in my body.thats what disability is and schizophrenia.

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I used to be like 80-90% disabled during my worst headache period, now I’m like 30%.

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