I like talking to my friends but i dont like strangers in my house especially if they’re doing renovations inside, last summer we renovated the bathroom and we had no access to a shower for 2 weeks, we had to shower at my uncle. Good thing we have another bathroom but no shower. I also hated that they were next to my room i couldn’t watch porn no privacy
I had people doing renovation on my previous flat which were going on for months. I didn’t mind talking to the workers, but I was stressed out because they could come from 7am or later in the day any day of the month unanounced.
That sounds rough. I am similar. Trying to stay engaged, focused, and seem normal, is pretty difficult to do for more than a few minutes. For me. Takes a lot of energy.
I get exhausted after long interactions as well, maybe we’re just introverts. They say introverts recharge when alone while extroverts recharge around other people.
Work helps a lot though. I talk to people all day there so I’m getting better at it