People messing up my cognitive skills

Do you have people messing up with your cognitive skills? I have someone making me feel retarded, brain dead, not able to think. How can I be healed mind, body, and soul, need help.

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How are they messing them up? can you explain more about it?

You said someone is making you feel dumb. How? are they saying that directly to you or implying it?

It is difficult to have sz or any MI because some people dont realize we are capable of certain things. I have MI plus StrugeWeber. This makes some treat me very badly intentionally. However, there are those who do are overly nice. The worst is those who think me not capable of a thing and never give me chance.

If you feel someone is cutting you off from what you want to do because they think you incapable then say this : ?

“How do you know if i can do that or not? I think it is possable.”

If you try something and mess up, then remind them:

" Even doctors and lawyers have had to re-take state exams many times before they pass to practice law or medicine. If those people cant be perfect enough, then why do you think I should be perfect with no practice?"

Hi @macy I have people in my body messing up with my cognitive skills. Feels like someone psychic is doing this to me.

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I feel the same way. I do not understand it.

It’s like if someone hit me over the head with a retarded hammer. It’s not that I’m actually thinking retardedly but just the feeling of being retarded and seen as retarded.


I honestly have came to the conclusion we are emotionally connected to people and most people do not care what they throw at others. Some believe this some do not. Quite a few without mi believe this


yes. i just read your other post and replied to it. I am wondering if you have some kind of anxeity. Yous said there were lots of customers, that makes many people feel rushed and nervous. It might make your symptoms worse for a little while.

If you were super nervous?

Other people seem to have unwavering confidence and serenity, which seems like a threat sometimes.
I think we just have to compromise more being on another plane of thought, which isn’t fair but it is what it is.

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I’m generally confident and in good moods. It’s like my ass gets whooped them my energy is drained


I have my Buddhist teacher making a fool of me. She does it in league with another member of one of our groups. Totally out of character for her. I have done the best I know to reveal myself to her and take her into my heart. It’s a break with trust. I haven’t figured out what to do about it. I continue plugging along. I suffer from sincerity.
I too feel I am getting messed up major by the society I live in. Struck by the foolish naivete of people younger than me who tell me things I already know and which I have thought through already at great length. They think I’m dumb or too old to understand things.