and then sometimes very intelligent
i feel that too sometimes, let us make a balance between them, balanced our stupidity and our intelligence, as in traditional chinese medicine, everything is asked to be balanced not one must be over powered too much than the others, since if there is good there will be evil, so i believe there will be stupid and smart side of us, so let us create a balanced, at least thats “my way”.
I have a pretty high IQ (tested) and i am constantly stumbling over my words at times, have complete brain farts where i cant even remember what the hell i was just thinking or talking about. Then at other times i feel like i can unravel the mysteries of the universe and every bit of information sticks in my head, when other times i cant comprehend what ive just read.
I’m smart enough to know how stupid I am.
I forgot to put shoes on again today. I had to stop at Walmart on the way to work,again, to buy shoes to wear to work. That’s the third time this school year.
I used to be pretty smart, even at the height of my suffering… As I get older I find it harder to concentrate and I forget things…like shoes.
I’ve had times in my past where I felt like a genius. But then again there have been times recently that I’ve felt like an idiot. Especially after the psychotic break. I think that may have lowered my IQ not sure though. Don’t think I can still do quantum electrodynamics.
I’m going through some serious Cognitive Dulling thanks to the Meds.
Depakote is making me feel real Dumb.
I was playing cards and I was having a difficult time counting the amount of cards I had.
I feel like s Zombie but Hey at least I’m not in the Hospital
me too - sometimes I do and say things then feel like coming back to reality - I freak out.
Let’s pick a different word, people! The R word is very stigmatizing.
Never mind I edited the title.
Lollll is dumb supposed to be better?
I am very intelligent but I think disorganized and bad processing and exec functioing. It looks like i make sense but really I am just filling spaces with words, and because of my past job and articulation I can get away with it for a bit. It’s frustrating when people figure it out its like. … what is she saying.
I feel very dumb today. I missed my 2nd therapy appointment in a row because I just totally forgot. That is 70 dollars down the drain for me.
Stupid is the word I would use instead of dumb…Or foolish.
@martinhersey1 how are u …??? i have seen u after long time …!! what’s up buddy …!!!
Sometimes I feel really dumb … this is normal…!!!
Hello Far_cry0!
I used to be fairly intelligent and articulate but since I have been sick and on meds, I definitely get dull and tongue tied. I simply can’t process information like I used to be able to. I wish I could get off meds but that may never happen. I have also forgotten my therapy appointments. Sometimes, in class, I am like “WTF is she even talking about?” I am just out of it sometimes.
if i am off meds my memory are better and like u said i process thoughts faster and yea sadly i cant stop my meds tho, its been helping me too