People hate me because they’re programmed to
I get this existence now…duh
People hate me because they’re programmed to
I get this existence now…duh
ah listen to the crap you spew… you seem to hate them too.
The reality is though… strangers treat others like strangers… no one really hates each other…
So many people… so little time. Broken hearts and disappointment in friends in everyone’s pasts. That’s just how it is dude.
I know you’re tall and people probably notice you for it… but they probably aren’t thinking much beyond that.
Quit making everything a big deal.
Kazuma, people don’t hate you. We all like you here for a start.
I sometimes get this feeling to, but it isn’t true. They don’t hate you at all.
Some people may hate you because some people are just plain spiteful and hateful people and they hate most other people. It’s not always something you did, it’s just the way some people are. But there’s also many good people. Most people in public just glance at you and then that’s it. That’s the end of the interaction and they go about their business and go on doing what they were doing. Our perceptions are off but we can still face reality and recognize reality.
man all these ■■■■■■■ power puff people are confusing me…!/en
Do it! And im not trying to make a big deal its a real problem i struggle with grasping. The thought came over when i was listening to a song where the vocalist was talking about people hating him over jealousy then the delusion set in for me. Schizoprhenia/affective… its a killer even with meds sometimes
Man drop the front bro… Be modest. Be accepting… You’ll see your subconscious respond in return.
Focus on bettering yourself. Part of that is the statement above. Beyond that its finding your skills and satisfactions and live it up through those means.
Kz your in a dark place. Don’t forget your triumphs… You’ve made it this far man. Keep trucking… What’s double of what you’ve done. Imagine where you’ll be.
Even a slow climb will land you financial independence. From there you can build.
■■■■ in twenty years you’d have built it by then.
Just focus on school. You’re legit man. A champ like the rest. Your troubles will make it more so…
Take it slow and stay ahead.
We’re here to help you out… Always man, always.