How do you guys deal with feeling like people hate you?

I know it’s just the beings telling me stuff like this and I shouldn’t listen, but it’s difficult not to. They’re saying that people want me dead and stuff. How do you deal with it? What do you do?


I have this problem too, I constantly feel like I’ve done something bad or wrong and people hate me. It is a constant battle to challenge these thoughts and voices, but I just keep asking myself if the person/people really have a reason to hate me or if it is a negative thought coming from my own brain. It’s not easy, but I think you just have to keep reminding yourself that it is your own brain that is coming up with these paranoid ideas and keep asking yourself if people really have a reason to wish ill of you.


I often have to deal with this when I’m around with people on a regular basis, like with a job or whatever, although it’s not voices or beings telling me but me just twisting what I hear and/or making what I hear about me somehow. It’s a terrible feeling. Usually I flake out like a weakling, it’s disappointing.

At some point though, it’ll creep up on every aspect of my life, and that is when things started to really go down hill.

I don’t know if I have any advice I’d follow myself, as I tend to be very reactive and instinctive with my reactions. I’d like to hear others’ thoughts on this as well.

I think we need to stop caring about it, and do what other people do, just be comfortable with the uncertainty of not really knowing what others think of us, or being at peace with them not liking us, as most people talk trash about everyone when they’re not around to defend themselves. It’s not something just the mentally ill have to deal with, afterall. It seems to affect us more, though.


I don’t think everybody hates me. But I am worried about the few people who do.


Trial and error of fighting back.


The beings aren’t real outside of your head. They have no claim on the truth. The biggest thing you should work on is just learning to not trust them or believe them just because they say something.


I start chanting “■■■■ your opinion.”


I’m afraid that people will want to hurt me because of their hatred, ya know? It’s hard sometimes because the beings’ll say, for instance, “X thinks you’re a bad person,” and then I’ll be afraid that X hates me and wants me dead. So the next time X says something to me that I’m not expecting, I’ll freak out. It’s strange because sometimes I worry that I’m a bad person or that I’ll hurt people, but right now I’m mostly worried about the opposite. I’m scared that someone will act on their hatred or discomfort and hurt me. It’s exhausting to try and keep my guard up all of the time, and it’s also exhausting trying to ignore the beings. I’m getting depressed. I have to try and ignore them. I can’t live like some of the beings want me to (alone, outside of society, completely avoiding the system).


i hope nobody hates me but i think there may be one person out there that does. only because we had a certain situation, but that was years ago…if he is still “hating” then i think he has forgotten (i hope so). i dont like any enemies. you can disagree with me all you want, but hating to me means ive done something really wrong and u want to cause some kind of dmg to me back.


@Sardonic , you should remind yourself that if people really wanted you dead, you would be dead. The voices in your head are not real so learn to love your self and then what the voices say turns into a opinion and you care less because you just can’t satisfy everyone’s opinion about you so satisfy your own… Love yourself


That’s called “personalization” in Cognitive Therapy. Taking what people say personally when they’re not even thinking of you at all. We tend to believe in telepathy, but in reality, mind reading is impossible, no matter how close or distant you are from another person. We are imprisoned within our own skulls.

I find it fascinating to hear different people’s very different delusions, reinforcing for me the conviction that no delusion is ever absolutely real.


@PuRpOs3 That’s what I think of when I think of hatred as well. It really is a strong word to me and I don’t take it lightly. So when the beings say that people hate me, it suggests to me that they’d like to cause some sort of harm.

@Tango_Ramos I like that idea, to think of them not just as opinions but as invalid ones. I try to rationalize like you say, that if people wanted me dead then I’d be dead, but then I think “well people could be making plans” and stuff like that. Idk I’m just paranoid.

I have the same thing going on with me too. Whomever I imagine in my head ends up talking to me, and they tend to hate me.

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@see121 That must suck. For me it’s the same beings. They’re entangled with my thoughts, including my subconscious ones, which means they can pick up on stuff that I don’t notice. It’s part of the reason it’s so difficult for me not to believe them. That said, the voices of people I know do sometimes make their way into my thoughts, and it’s really aggrivating. I figure that the beings are just doing that to mess with me, because no other explanation makes sense.

I try to act like a normie, I think “what would a normie do in this situation?”
“He wouldn’t give a ** and act like an idiot laughing about every stupid thing.”
“OK… Let’s play this scene…”


Thanks @zeno. I just can’t get past the feeling that the beings are right about people hating me. I don’t really know how to act like a normie. They’re all different, but similar enough to come across as not strange. I don’t even know if it would work. The beings say that people can sense the seed and it unnerves them.

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Try to watch some movies and talk shows and study their style and their behavior.
Don’t do it too much because it is disgusting and a bit traumatic.


Okay I’ll definitely try that. It’s good to blend in I guess. :woman_shrugging:

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I get this as well, its one of my main troubles. I have to ask ppl close to me if ive done anything wrong to upset anyone.
I feel that they hate me too, a while back i was too scared to leave my house as i thought someone would just walk up and punch me.
I havent done anything wrong.
Its slowly going away over time but its really sad it takes the fun enjoyment of people away.

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This is exactly how I feel. I walk outside in the open by myself or with a few people and I feel like I’m going to get shot. I feel like people hate me because they sense that I’m different, and that makes them afraid. I’m afraid that this fear leads to hatred and makes people more likely to hurt me. And that doesn’t even cover the fact that people always seem to be speaking poorly of me, or at least that’s what the beings say. At school there are people who I think are unlikely to hurt or kill me, but it’s hard because I don’t really trust anyone. Just because they won’t hurt me now doesn’t mean they won’t hurt me given more information. It sucks.