Pdoc says this is a common delusion among schizophrenics

I’m really worried that i’ve imagined having sz and i’m not ill and I will go to hell as a result

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I’m convinced I’m going to Hell

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Horrible isn’t it - I hate being alive but my certainty that I will go to hell means I am petrified of death

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I completely understand!

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This is what I’m going through now. Am I really “sick”? (This is also what my other pair was kind of about. I struggle to express the words I think some times)
When the meds aren’t working as well as you’d hoped (the voices are there, you see that lady in the corner of your eye everywhere you go, fear crushes down as you you try to drink tap water or eat out) and the bad things are still there it’s confusing. If these should have made everything better why isn’t it? Am I really schizophrenic? Add in family members whispering and shouting doubts with everything and it’s hard to be clear on what is.

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Im on three antipsych meds. Ive been steady on medication since september. I still have paranoia and delusions during some parts of my day. I end up thinking the same: “the meds dont help completely, thus not schizophrenic”.

However you need to keep in mind two things:

  1. Meds take time, ideally they need 6 months to have absolute full effects, and you may not be on the right med.
  2. Some symptoms will never go away no matter what AP or dosage you’re on.

You should check out a ted talk on youtube, search “schizophrenia im not a monster”. This smart and educated young lady talks about schizophrenia and how it affects her. She says that even though shes on medication, she was hallucinating while giving the talk. Shes inspirational, and definitely helped me in a variety of ways.

I really hope you can trust your pdoc, and continue to take the meds. I know its hard, stay strong. Sounds like your kicking lifes butt despite sz, dont let something someone said get you confused.

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