Back for a bit, and a rant

Hey all. I’m turning to you guys with this because I don’t have many other places to turn to.

I recently had some pretty nasty arguments with my dad, mainly about the way he treats me. Like how he makes me pay more in rent compared to my brothers despite their making much more than me, and how he says things like I’m “not a real adult”, etc. I may have said some things that could leave a permanent scar on our relationship. He’s just been making me so upset these past few days. He’s at work for the next week and I’m scared of what will happen when he comes home. He’s not physically abusive, but I’m sure he’ll lash back out at me if I don’t make amends regarding our last conversation before he comes home. I’m certain he’ll make my behavior out to have been a result of my mental illness, not any legitimate frustration I may have towards him.

My boyfriend has managed to convince me to calm down a little about this. I’m trying.

How do you guys deal with family drama like this?

I moved out and I get on much better with my step dad now

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You could try seeing a counselor, and then inviting him to come along so a third party who is professional can help you two sort things out without a big fight


My parents never gave me much grief about it, my mum took little off me for rent and i was happy to pay, but my mum didnt know much about my illness and would occasionally get frustrated with me if i didnt take the dog out, i did really try my best to please her.

i think pianogirl gives good advice

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Thanks everyone. :slight_smile:

I’ve calmed down more and I’ve decided to let things simmer down for the rest of today and tomorrow I’ll try to fix things. He’s not a terrible person, and I’m not either. We just clash at times.

just say you’re sorry

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