My father had contacted me about taking my son and my nephew (my father took over raising him when my brother died) to the local campground next weekend. He also invited me, and my wife gave me the ok to take off work Saturday, so I’ll actually be able to go along.
I’m looking forward to having time with my son away from all the girls (3 daughters and wife), but my father also invited my 2 brother-in-laws, and I don’t know how I’ll do with that because I don’t really know either of them that well.
It’s also kind of messed up because I don’t think he invited my other brother and his son. My brothers and I always had a tenuous relationship with our father, I have let my resentment go with age, my remaining brother has not.
Anyway, it should be nice to have a day off work and also to be with my son, but I’m nervous about being in close quarters with people that I haven’t even seen since I got sick.
Well, I hope you have fun. Also, a much-deserved day off from work! Just think, there will be three generations on the camping trip. That sounds pretty cool.
Thank you @Moonbeam. I’m excited for it, but a little uneasy. My father’s brother was also sz (he passed away about 3 years ago), and he refused medication for most of his life, so I think my father has kind of kept his distance since I got sick. I’m hoping it’s not awkward, although most social situations leave me uncomfortable.
I hope it all goes smoothly for you. It will be nice to have a break from work I imagine.
Just try to find a quiet place for you and your son to go when things get a bit overwhelming.
I’m sorry there are fractured relationships you have to deal with. I have them in my family too and it makes get togethers almost impossible because someone isn’t talking to someone else and won’t go is person x is going to be there.
It’s really quite frustrating actually and adds more stress to an already stressful situation.
Thank you @anon84763962. That’s a good suggestion, I’ll have to scope it out and find a quiet place to retreat to (and make sure I bring my meds). I’m sorry your family also has strained relationships; you’re right, they do cause extra stress. Have fun on your trip to visit your mom!
Thanks @anon68237654! I will. I haven’t seen her since mid April.
I lived with her last year when I was ill. I grew really attached to her in that time. She moved away when I was about 21 and that’s when my symptoms started. We have lived in different states to one another ever since. So I’ve learned to get along without her over many years.
Last year when I got really ill I went to recover at her place, in the country (at the time, she has since moved) and we developed a really close relationship. At first I didn’t believe she was my mother, just a really nice relative. And I kept trying to escape and run away. But over time I recognised her as my mother again and we grew really close.
Now I speak to her everyday and miss her like crazy. It feels to safe and secure in her presence.
dude, I hope you have a blast !! I would just focus on having fun when you’re nervous…when you try to have fun you don’t think about anything that bothers you ! good for you for the “man bonding”.
I know you have issues being around people, so I hope it goes smoothly on you! Try to focus on spending quality time with your son, I think that will help ease things