Have any of you y ever had this delusion? I get really scared that a satanic, cult, that practices black magick is hiring an intelligence agency to bug my apartment and monitor me. It gets really scary at times. I’ve been on over a dozen different meds. And I hear a demon haunting me every day. I’m sorry if I sound panicked. I just need someone who understands to talk to. I used to take illicit sustances and mess around with the occult. So that could’ve opened up something in my mind.
I also am afraid that people can read my thoughts thats why I don’t make eye contact with anyone much. Mines not about satanic stuff though more about aliens. Try not to panic you need to tell yourself that its all in your head thats what I do
Hello azteccelt
Do you hear voices? If you are not hearing voices then you are feeling their thoughts about your thoughts. Look you start your own fear by thinking about satanic stuff then they in turn trigger these thoughts in an escalating pattern. Years ago as a teen I want to stop smoking so every time I thought about smoking I did push ups on the spot no matter where I was, this helped me stop the pattern of triggered thoughts and I got stronger in the process. A few years ago I attended a small class on changing mental patterns and they said that if you can quit your thinking for 3 days then you will start to get past the triggered thoughts that you had causing the problems. I have adopted this theory many times in my life and find that this method works but I allow four days instead for me.
As for the demon if you feel it around you feel free to tell it to find powessy and it will.
Hi powessy, I do hear a predominantly male, deep voice. Though it never commands me to do anything. I’ve been recently rediagnosed as schizoid effective. Before I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. But in my opinion there’s a thin line between the two.
Thank you for the kind words and suggestions.
I’d vote for the strong possibility. ('Cause I did the same thing and got the same result. The opinions expressed by my Greek Chorus are not quite so “out there” as they used to be, but I continue to be amazed at some of the ■■■■ they come up with when I am manic.)
But I’d also vote for a six week crash course in REBT.
Thank you very much. I’m trying not to lose hope. I haven’t worked since 2007, and it’s been over a decade since I’ve had a girlfriend. I’m just trying to stay positive. I want to go back to school really bad. I haven’t made up my mind what for though.
REBT was really helpful for me when I was so spun by the voices. I got a jump start from two therapists, then I used Ellis’s books. Like…
And the really nice part about psychotherapy: No Side Effects.
Used to think people who practiced black magic/voodoo were getting in my body and making me see shadow people. Also thought they were stalking me. I try to make myself feel safe by being around my family making myself feel protected.
These days I think normal people can see hear my thoughts which caused me to think intrusive thoughts. Don’t know how they do this though.
When I was psychotic I had the satanic cult delusion as well, and I was sure everyone in the world could hear my thoughts. After stabilizing those thoughts simply went away.
Same. Except pdoc didn’t give me any meds hahaha how awesome
That’s good eduvigis. Waiting for my thoughts to stabilize.
I’m not sure when stability came for me, it might have been a few months out of the hospital. There have definitely been periods during and on meds where I’ve had symptoms like paranoia and intrusive thoughts, but the delusions were always different from the ones which initially put me in the hospital. In some ways they were even more frightening.
People must have magic abilities to read our minds
OR I thought they used some channeling ability. I think the people are in a way psychic maybe. I keep asking my voices how they do this but they never tell me. I’m really curious how they can read my mind. How do you think they can read your mind?
I read your mind and I am sending hugs.
I don’t have the fear that people can read my thoughts but I do have the paranoia that brain researchers can completely control my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They have the ability to terrorize me and it scares the crap out of me. I may not have the same delusion/paranoia as you but I know the intense fear. Today is OK but I have been very afraid many times. All I can say is meds. That’s what I rely on.
Part of the illness, clearly it is very stressful, serial and invasive, as the experience has been experienced by me.
Check your reasoning, then stop emotional reasoning and responses to it, in reality it is altogether nonsense.
Tell those demons and cult leader to come to CJ, I’ll deal with them.
I have the delusion that people can read my thoughts and want to detain me by the government.
Hahaha, thank you @Cj56
I am actually doing a lot better these days. Sometimes this delusion comes back but being on this board has really helped me face these delusions and face them for what they, which is delusions.
Thank you for your kind response.
By the way, this is a really old thread. I posted it a long time ago when I was very ill. I am doing much better these days.
Take care
I have trouble with thought broadcasting too. I think something and then I get a comment from someone else and they are talking about what I was thinking. It’s especially scary because sometimes puff will tell me to kill them and that’s the thought they hear. I’m worried it’s going to get me in trouble.
I’ll get banned if i express my opinions on this.