Interesting study.
A little outdated but fascinating nevertheless.
Interesting study.
A little outdated but fascinating nevertheless.
Is it really chronic if you’re on meds though … ? I struggle with constant anxiety but no positive symptoms on meds.
Edit : ignore. I misunderstood what chronic meant.
My current psychiatrist feels that my diagnosis of bipolar disorder mimics schizophrenia at times due to abundant anxiety and OCD symptoms.
This kind of makes sense.
It makes you wonder how many of us here on the forum are walking around with a misdiagnosis. I was initially diagnosed at the age of 47 with acute depression with psychotic features after years of a hellish marriage. That hell and stress continued for several more years and the diagnosis changed to Schizophrenia after another bout of psychosis. Further down the track I ended up in Hospital and the diagnosis was changed to Schizoaffective Disorder. Who knows who or what to believe.
I understand there are a lot of us here that have had their diagnosis changed on more than one occasion.
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