A new type of brain scanner has been invented by nottingham university. It is a non invasive scanner that they are going to use for epilepsy and dementia intially. It uses quantum technology.
It was just on the news and it could open the world up for neurological diseases.
I believe it makes it super easily accesible and quick. I saw the hat on the TV and it looks like a silicon brain skin with loads of electrodes on it.
There is no need for gel like an ekg etc. It is just a ‘hat’ that you place on the head. They use a 3D camera that takes photos of where the electrodes are on the head and it uses quantum technology to provide specific details of how the brain.
It is said to be more detailed and uses AI technology too.
If it leads to clear explanations of what is going on with sz and other disorders it really is a game changer. Whether it’s that accurate and they can understand what is going on is the other issue.