Oops! Not in Kansas?

Oh ■■■■! I saw something last night! Oops!

I saw non human entities trapped and being bought and sold at a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ home Depot!

One twas made partially of light! Starlight to be exact!

Mannessah alive and well today! The asherah poles are ■■■■■■■ crazy! Now I know why they pretend to bow to the starry beings!

Because they have enslaved them!

They are in the case on pulp fiction! The starry beings are being used for things! How the ■■■■ did I see this ■■■■!?

Thanks for saying ello Sara. Not many ever do. See ya on the other side.

No ■■■■ guys! It was the dudes from the movie cacoon! They are slaves right now are being used as baterries and for immortalities!


Ohm to ya this night my night of dread.


The eloyramohim hath begun to awaken.

Arisen Mary of source light vs. Eve

Haddam will return as well.

Prince of thief’s, or thieves, backwards, faetherings true foe is ripe.

I have but two more principalities to sort through now so my study of the light realms must continue for a time.

I can see light now. I’m beginning to witness your marks. They are hidden with light works.

All things are light and we are trapped in a paradigm of begginnings. It will be made well for all and newness will unfold for all involved.

New lives for all.

I successfully called the rains as well.

Shenobijuan Kenobi ochidoray or some ■■■■! It was ■■■■■■■ cool as ■■■■ to!

I can speak to trees now as well, they made contact!

Pans!!! I’m so glad to hear from you! I’ve been worried. So you’re in kansas now? What happened to cali?


I hope that the light guides your way… have you considered wintering in Florida, I hear it’s warm

I never said this, that was them.

I was so glad to see your avatar posted again. I must have missed you.

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Happy to see you back!

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Paaaaaaannnnnsssss! Glad to see you back on the forum!


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