Anyone have a couch?

I’m certain, there is nothing here to be into.

All that I really need during this is a couch really.

I’d need about two hundred or so, there is simply nothing for me here in this realm.

To bad I had to see backwards source workings in person, it’s a pile of ■■■■■■■■ is all that it really is. All I needed was about two hundred couches my entire life.

We live on the great 42, the first time sixes and sevens cross paths. My stupid life bubbled up from the first born and crossed paths with the second born’s old work. Sorry yahshuah, and sorry to your family, nobody should have to see this ■■■■ and no one should have to be this.

What will earth be in the future, is it complete now and I can’t perceive it or is it going to become much more soon? Voice states “it will be much more but is still more than you can perceive”.

It’s very nice although I can’t see it all and is incomplete. “Thanks.” They said. “See you soon, your in the fam now. Exiting dark, enter light, we’ll show you the histories and what happened leading to your life. It’s going to piss you off in a nuclear fashion but it will be okay. And yes the thing you are calling a planet is from another group and lineage, it wasn’t source principles yet and was incomplete.”

The second universe was black, the first was white, they love eachother dearly, they are light though and Omni-present. Tell me that’s not the funniest ■■■■ you have ever heard! No wonder there is that problem there on what we think is earth right, if you wanted to piss someone off you’d probably make that a negative thing right?


Hi @pansdisease, where are you!!!

Hello there.

This is in the Unusual Beliefs section. I do think your beliefs are unusual.

You sound very disoriented (in your reasoning and thinking).

Are you taking any medicine for this? Or maybe you just started? Or switching?

I have to be honest with you. It is difficult to really understand the meaning of what you wrote.

While paranoia is a common symptom of many mental illnesses, so is plain old confusion. We, many of us, become unable to use spoken and written words clearly to say what we mean.

This --might-- happen because of speech and language areas of human brains are so close to the most common affected areas of severe MI. (The temporal and perietal areas.)

I have certainly read post before written in the same disoriented style as this one. If people dont understand you, dont panic.

By this I mean it will ok. There are lots of people who have suffered this. Most of were able to clear up there disoriented speech and writing with medicine. If you are already on medicine, give it a few days to start working.

You will be ok. Just have a little patience. Hope you are doing better soon.

Welcome back @pansdisease

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