Online (Multiplayer) Games and Schizophrenia

Sadly you are right, I enjoy playing only single player games or very casual multiplayer ones for short amounts of time now…

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GTA 5 isn’t cancer, it’s crack cocaine. I remember I used to play it 24/7. Great game.

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I played CS:GO much better even with SZ and medicines when i start playing 1-2 years ago. I had over 300 hours in this account. Something changed in my head in 2017/2018. Now i play like a BOT.


I have a hard time playing when my voices are bad it messes with my focus bad yo

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I’m obsessed with CS:GO and i can’t stop playing this game.

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I will never play this game again. Even in MM Deathmatch are only Pro players and you can’t even win. Competitive is also cancer because cheaters and players are too good.

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Anyone play CS:GO? I need someone to play with him. This game it’s cancer and i can’t stop playing this game.


Anyone? I need he or she to play with him/her.

The trick to counterstrike… wear head phones. So you can hear the direction of gunshots and footsteps.

The trick to the awp…zoom in… place a small round sticker on the center of your sights.
Now you can no scope aim … after a while you will no longer need the sticker…


Simple solution to a very complex program. I like it! :slight_smile:

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Im pretty sure it would work with most fps.

I was in a league for the original cs… that was a trick a team mate told me about… i never heard anyone mention this tip before…so im unsure if its a common trick amongst league players and they just keep it hush… or if my clansman was a genius…lol


I need to improve AWP with Bots first.


I quit Multiplayer games. Today i almost got kicked from Competitive Match because i’m so bad at CS:GO and i 'm Abandon Match. Someone say i’m shooting like newbie. This game is only from healthy people’s. I will play only Single Player games.


I’m a beast at COD when I don’t take my meds, it’s like my mind thinks so fast and I’m aware of everything going in the game, when I’m on meds tho… I get a hard time trying to concentrate and it seems my fingers move wrongly

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You can’t play MP games with meds because you are slower then healthy people’s and your play style it’s worse because meds. There are also hallucinations. I played CS:GO with hallucinations sometimes and it’s impossible to play. Single Player games is not so fast.

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Now I play it only rarely to troll…

I experience something similar, I involuntarily press wrong keys on the keyboard…

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im still above average in COD but yea meds do slow down reactions. also i think sz plays a role

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Always sucked on game. But if I play Age of Empires, maybe I win my brother.


Hello Sandi. As far as Counter strike is concerned. There are people who’ve been playing that for about 15 years+ now. They’re experts. Don’t worry if it is too difficult. It takes practice to improve at video games.

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Maybe you could try The Division for PS4. It’s a fun cooperative multiplayer game. It has a deathmatch type mode also.

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