Played video games 8hrs today

Woke up at 6:30 am, started playing non stop league of legends, this hasnt happened to me since the start of schizophrenia, used to play 3hour max on the best of days, now video games dont look like a chore to me


Can I ask what meds are you on?

Good job. I have to consume a lot of tobacco and coffee in order to be able to focus when I’m playing. Since I got ill I haven’t been able to play for more than 1h. But it has improved a lot now. I recently completed Metroid dread on switch.

Next game that I’m playing is dark souls. But I’m waiting until I have more energy.


I don’t play games,
but i have read 8 hours


I played for 7 hours with a friend the other day. It was a lot of fun. It’s hard for me to play alone though.


I cant wait to be able to study for extended periods of time. Read or play games too.

Ive just started propranolol again, and the akithisa has disappeared. Ive also got an antidepressent that helps me sleep. Which is going well

Paliperidone snd olanzapine

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