Online harassment/ protecting this community

I was on a really bad mood that day. I’m sorry

We cleared it up. You had a lot going on, I was only mad because J’s sis got caught up in it.

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Hey they say fighting and getting through it is one of the most important developments in a good friendship :wink:


Personally i feel as though you should of been banned for arguing and never given a chance to work it through :slight_smile: Just incase a random normal person viewing the site decided not to join in on the talk. (the argument you defended earlier)

This was like months ago…we had an argument about wisdom. And I kind of acted innapropriately because I was drinking alone and struggling with some stuff

It’s interesting that those in this thread with issues are all relatively new to the forum. I don’t see any of the long term members expressing these complaints.

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We worked through it by discussing it. That’s how it works here. TTP will likely agree.

Sorry, guess I don’t understand your post and feel that your response is odd enough to suggest that you’re not familiar with the situation (fight is too strong a word) TTP is referencing.

You know, when petester started asking for my pictures I didn’t flag him because I just joined the forum, didn’t know what the reaction would be. I should’ve. It was on my first days here. What would you have me do? Not say anything because I’m new and let it slide? I wish I can stay here for as long as I feel confortable with, maybe because we’re new they felt the need do harrass us. I honestly don’t know and would like to understand the point that you’re trying to make.

You shouldn’t of done anything other then said ‘‘no’’.

Maybe everyone else got tired of it and left.

I suppose long term members might be smart enough to not attempt to help someone understand how rape happens and affects people, yes. That was my mistake, and I acknowledge it was something of a new user error.

I guess my point is that this seems to be a localized problem affecting only a very small number of members who all seem to be fighting among themselves.

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She did say no. Unfortunately, no was not enough for Petester, and he continued harassing her for months afterwards.

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You’re right, it’s bothering me as well.

I wish this issue didn’t exist at all, but some members were harassed and the issue is present.

Now it’s just being abused because someone had a problem with the way things were handled.

I dont have any problem, the situation is resolved. We trust @SzAdmin and @shutterbug.

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Please don’t blame people for the actions of their abusers.

I’d point out that danddolo was a new user, too, and introduced a new form of toxicity to the forums. I’d also point out that he targeted new users, too, perhaps because he knew this might be the response if they said anything about it.



I leave the forum for a few days and all Hell breaks loose! :wink:

Look. I think the key words here are ‘harassment’ and ‘persistent’. If someone on this site is being a persistent harasser, start with gradual banning to begin with. If buddy doesn’t smarten up after a ‘time out’ and continues to harass the women on this forum, I believe a permanent ban is in order.

We’re all in the same Sz boat together. If the survival of the group hinges on having to occasionally throw a virulent member overboard, then I’m all for it.

You can’t have a cohesive, well-functioning forum when several of your best contributors are ‘walking on eggshells’ in fear of being targeted by a predator with a different agenda that is separate and apart from his affliction.

My 2 cents…


I agree with this.

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in fairness this is cyber world, not the real life world, noting bothers me in cyber world,

ive the internet 10 years now,

I’m not but people need to have thicker skins when using an Internet forum. It is possible that these new members are vulnerable because they do not know how to handle using an Internet forum.

I haven’t seen anything on this forum that compares to many of the other forums I’ve read. This place is tame.


“People” have already put up with too much, in my opinion. Thick skin is good, being a pushover is not.