On edge of paranoia

I went to pick up my prescription earlier and to drop off an amazon return at the UPS store. I started to feel really nervous. I got home and i could feel my brain going into paranoia/panic mode. So i laid down and watched tiktok. It went away. But as soon as i got out of bed and quit watching tiktok i started to feel nervous again. My anxiety is really bad today. I also feel very scatterbrained. Im on the edge of getting paranoid. I am supposed to cook dinner tonight. We will see what happens. Between 4 and 6pm i have the most trouble. I really dont want to start freaking out.


I’m sorry. I hate feeling nervous, scared, and paranoid all the time. It’s an awful feeling.

Yeah. My paranoia gets really intense. My heart bpm goes to 100. I breathe like i just ran a mile. And i always think im gonna end up in the hospital

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I know the feeling. My heart races too. I always feel like they’re after me, and if I do something wrong, though I’m not sure what, they’ll know and come torture me for it. It’s a very scary feeling to go through. Is there anything at all that helps you calm down?

Tiktok. If i catch it early enough. Once im fully paranoid its over. Nothing helps.

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I’m sorry. Having TikTok as your only thing that calms you down sucks.

Yeah. It only works in the early stages. Being around my dad helps too. If i isolate when im feeling nervous i often get worse

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Talking to certain people gets my mind off it too

Your not alone with this i am exactly the same only its hubby that calms me and youtube

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Fortunately my nervousness has passed. If i get paranoid its usually from 3 to 6pm. After 6:30pm i never get paranoid

Thats just plain weird

Yeah. Its very peculiar. I never get paranoid in mornings. Or nights. Just in the mid afternoon.

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Would a nap help in the pm

A afternoon nap can really help sometimes takes the edge off

If i start feeling nervous i usually nap. It does help


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