I went to pick up my prescription earlier and to drop off an amazon return at the UPS store. I started to feel really nervous. I got home and i could feel my brain going into paranoia/panic mode. So i laid down and watched tiktok. It went away. But as soon as i got out of bed and quit watching tiktok i started to feel nervous again. My anxiety is really bad today. I also feel very scatterbrained. Im on the edge of getting paranoid. I am supposed to cook dinner tonight. We will see what happens. Between 4 and 6pm i have the most trouble. I really dont want to start freaking out.
I’m sorry. I hate feeling nervous, scared, and paranoid all the time. It’s an awful feeling.
Yeah. My paranoia gets really intense. My heart bpm goes to 100. I breathe like i just ran a mile. And i always think im gonna end up in the hospital
I know the feeling. My heart races too. I always feel like they’re after me, and if I do something wrong, though I’m not sure what, they’ll know and come torture me for it. It’s a very scary feeling to go through. Is there anything at all that helps you calm down?
Tiktok. If i catch it early enough. Once im fully paranoid its over. Nothing helps.
I’m sorry. Having TikTok as your only thing that calms you down sucks.
Yeah. It only works in the early stages. Being around my dad helps too. If i isolate when im feeling nervous i often get worse
Talking to certain people gets my mind off it too
Your not alone with this i am exactly the same only its hubby that calms me and youtube
Fortunately my nervousness has passed. If i get paranoid its usually from 3 to 6pm. After 6:30pm i never get paranoid
Thats just plain weird
Yeah. Its very peculiar. I never get paranoid in mornings. Or nights. Just in the mid afternoon.
Would a nap help in the pm
A afternoon nap can really help sometimes takes the edge off
If i start feeling nervous i usually nap. It does help
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