On another note, I wear glasses and I'm thinking about getting lasik vision

Has anyone gotten laser vision or knows anything about it? I’m afraid it could possibly give me permanent damage, but I’m tired of wearing bifocals. I want good vision.

Look into a lot better. The doctor on FDA that helped ok the procedure had come out last fall saying that most people end up needing it redone or have damage. My eye doctor told me years ago he would never recommend it to anyone either, before the FDA guy came out.

You can google it, it was on like Yahoo News and CNN.
My ex-aunt had hers done in 1995, she’s had it done 2 more times and now cannot wear contacts at all, so she’s on straight glasses.

But do your research.

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Lasik’s nice. I had 20/20 vision after. Might be more like 20/30 right now but I’m OK with it.

Weird part is they make an iris flap, so you have to watch them cut that. Takes guts to do it.

There’s a laser surgery that reshapes the outside of your iris, which is pilot-safe since less goes wrong with it.

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When did you get the surgery?

I had it done, it restored me to 20/20 vision but gave me glare at night (light sources have starbursts around them). I had the procedure two years ago and it’s still there, although it is fairly minor and I don’t notice it in the daytime.

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2011 I think.

I had brief starburst visuals but they went away within the first month.

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Was the procedure painful?

I wouldn’t I think glasses and contacts are better

I kind of think so too

No it was very quick and painless. To be honest the glare has become less noticeable over time, I don’t regret getting it done. Much better than fussing with glasses.

After the procedure your eyes might sting a little for a day but they give you eye drops, and it’s not too bad.

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Ok, interesting. I might look into it. My glasses are so not attractive because they are thick. Not appealing. And contacts dont allow your cornea to breathe and sometimes leads to infections. I want to be able to wake up and not have to put in contacts.

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I got lasik about twenty years ago when I was 40. I had worn glasses since third grade. I had a consultation with someone at the clinic about what to expect. There’s a little risk involved but the guy who did the surgery had done about a 1000 operations so he was pretty trustworthy.

I can’t remember everything but they sit you in a chair and put drops in your eyes to numb them and then do the procedure. It took between 5 and 10 minutes for both eyes and there was zero pain during the operation or afterward. It doesn’t always give everybody 20-20 vision but for me, after the procedure I didn’t need glasses anymore.

The only problem is that after awhile my vision got a little worse and I needed the operation again. The doctors told me that is not unusual. So after the second operation I could see fine again but they warned me that I might need reading glasses down the road. They were right. I’m 58 and a few years ago I started having trouble reading so I got reading glasses at the drugstore. I can still read sometimes without them, in fact I’m on my phone right now and I can read fine without them.

But it was so worth it to get my eyes done. It can be expensive, my first operation cost $500 per eye. My sisters paid for mine. They have good jobs and they’re comfortable but not rich but they each got the operation done before me and they didn’t want me to miss out because I’m poor so they paid for it. I’m just very lucky.

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That’s nice. I might consider it.

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Hi there @anon55704218, I had ‘Lasik’ done approx 15 years ago.

Just beware that it’s not ‘PRK’ you require INSTEAD. Because that is painful.

Plus the effects do fade over time.

I’ll just put it this way, I’m not going through it again and am soon going back to glasses.

You can google ‘PRK.’

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Ok thanks. But the benefits of it is that your eye glass prescription won’t be as extensive as they were before you had the surgery right?

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That’s probably true, but looking back I’m still kind of disappointed in it. Mostly bc they didn’t admit it ‘fades’.

I’m very serious about ‘PRK’. My bro witnessed my sister and I go through it(for three days) and he’s now content with his contacts.

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Lol, at your bro. haha…well I’ll look into the lasik.

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Both my older sister and brother had lasik done and they both don’t regret it. They went to a good doctor who did many lasik procedures. Both of them had very little pain and it was quick they both said. Both have 20/20 vision now. The machine has like a suction cup that holds your eyeball in place and you might have some irritation after the procedure. The first month after the procedure you’'ll experience glare from cars at night and star bursts, but that goes away after a few months. I wish I could afford lasik. My other brother was in the airforce and he had PRK done which is not as good and he still has to wear glasses.

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I got LASIK 20 years ago. I had extremely bad eyesight. After the surgery I had 20/20 vision. After 10 years or so your eyes will start to go back but nothing like they were before. So I need weak glasses now. Some people need reading glasses afterwards. But it’s definitely worth looking into. Oh and if you need glasses in the future, you can just get a touch up lasik procedure done you don’t need glasses.

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I had PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) done 2+ years ago (late 2017).

I chose PRK over LASIK because it’s military sanctioned basically… and while more painful, because of the way it’s done, there’s no flap that may become dislodged (if that is the right word) after the procedure. These days, my vision is acceptable for computer/video gaming/internet usage but sometimes I find looking at things farther than a monitor away to be less than ideal, and night-driving is not comfortable for me (lights can flare)

I had glasses since I was in senior kindergarten/Gr. 1; I’m now in my late 30s. And come to think of it, I think I had to pick PRK because LASIK doesn’t correct the extreme near-sightedness that I had. I am not sure if PRK/LASIK will correct vision that requires bifocals, so you may want to check that.

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